I must explain that during his first night with me Tosker managed to escape from my catproof (
) enclosure - I did post about it at the time, but deleted the post when I suddenly thought the lady I rehomed him from might decide to come looking for him, as I think her insistence on grabbing him and cuddling him has greatly contributed to his extreme wariness of people (though of course she meant well)
Tosker took up residence in my neighbour's garage and came into my garden for food each night - today he was found in my neighbour's fox trap, although it was not intended for him, so now he is back with me, currently perched on top of the kitchen units - I have tried to reinforce the enclosure fence but as I don't know how he got out in the first place I can only hope he does not do it again - I am not hopeful
I shall leave him be as much as possible, meanwhile, although I have not tried to seperate him from my cats, as he seems to want to be with them - he is not the slightest bit agressive towards them
cross fingers for me that this time he stays put - and finds out that actually it's quite nice here