I'm a fosterer with Covcats and had been looking after Abbi since last October when she came to us with a nasty abcess on her head (hence her name!!). She had been living rough for a while, being fed by kind neighbours. She's a nervous girl but very affectionate on a one to one basis. Unfortunately that's not always possbile as I have 3 others and she was being bullied by my delinquent white cat Harvey. Anyway, she went to new owners 2 weeks ago. A lovely couple, experienced cat owners, and she would be the only pet. Purrfect!. I had a call a couple of days later, she had become scared, run behind a kitchen unit and found a hole the fitter had left which let her under the floorboards! The enterprising, and very patient owners took up the carpet and floorboards in the hall and laid some flour. They soon found that she was coming up to user her litter tray and feed, and then going back down. Clever girl! We lent them a couple of cat traps, but she was so canny she put her dainty paw through from the outside and yanked the food out that way! I heard on Friday that she has at last been caught 'upstairs' and is now in a bedroom and deigning to be stroked by humans. All bodes well for a happy life for all three of them.