Got up around 8am yesterday morning to do my usual routine with the cats. After Lacie had eaten she started having what seemed like contractions & their was a green slimey vaginal discharge each time she would contract. ( it would happen on a sunday) Tried to get a local vet to se her, one nurse said it didn't sound like an emergency & to take her her vet tomorrow (today) another said she was having kittens. We weren't convinced & took her a few miles away to Rutland House in St Helens. After reading on the internet we had suspected Pyo. Had to leave her with the vet for sedation & an ultrasound. When the vet rang us back she said Lacie had thickening of the womb & abnormal uterus & asked permission to do an emergency spay (she was booked in for this wednesday for her spay) After the op the rang to let us know she had pulled through the op. Lacie had Pyo, abscess on her cervix, she had been mated but the babies where undeveloped & dead, her uterus was ready for bursting & they also had to remove part of her bladder.
If i could have gotten hold of her previous owners i would have rung their necks.
Anyway, vet just rang this morning and she has made it through the night. She's purring her head off & rubbing up against the nurses. Eating like a pig (lol) & she's had a little wee.
She has to stay at the hospital for further monitoring so can't come home yet, hopefully tomorrow.
Phew!!!!!! I have so many mixed emotions right now it is overwelming.