The visit went fine.....Duncan was a little nervous but he's not lost any weight, he's been drinking enough fluids etc, I think basically he just needs some more time. He had lots of cuddles and then disappeared behind the settee in the lounge, his daddy lay on the floor with him and gave him lots of fusses, Duncan loved it and was purring for England bless him
He does love his fusses, he's just not sure how to react at the moment. By the time I left, he was totally chilled out so I'm hoping it's a step in the right direction. We did all end up laughing as we found ourselves whispering because Duncan had fallen asleep
Whilst fussing him, I noticed he had a lump under his chin
I'm going to pop him to the vets on Monday just to get it checked out, it may be something and nothing but it's better to be safe. Raphaella has settled in a treat and promptly pinched Duncan's mouse that I took for him, she's definitely ruling the household and has them wrapped round her little paw
They are the perfect slaves for them, loving, patient and understanding.........I think they're very lucky kitties to have found such a fab mum and dad