Toby, my FIV+ cat, has a nasty mouth infection. As in NASTY!!!
They are throwing the book at it ...he has had a short acting steriod injection to make him more comfortable, plus a long acting antibiotic injection and also 14 days worth of another antibiotic to be given orally.
Which should sort it out, but the concern is that it might keep flaring up again (as its very likely to be FIV related). In the long term, the vet was talking about a continous course of low dose steriods to keep it at bay. i'm not happy with that thought at all, because of what steriods can do to the immune system. I might have to research alternatives to that idea. Any suggestions much appreciated.
It also seems that he has a cataract forming in one of his eyes .. so he is being tested for toxo-something or other as well!
Of course Toby is just fine in himself .... was scarfing down food as I (eventually) left for work this afternoon ....