Hi, I am new on here, I have been on CatChat for quite a while and a few years back (although for some reason I couldnt use my old sign on) they were very very supportive when one of my beloved cats went missing. Myself and my husband live in Buckinghamshire, we live in a house on farm land (specifically moved there because of the cats LOL), we have 10 cats (all rescues) all of which are quite lovely. We took in a cat/kitten last year that was pregnant and have kept two of the kittens, Ruby Ruby Red Drawers and Piccalli Polka Dot Pants. (you may have seen me canvassing for votes for Ruby on the other boards !). I have always had cats in my life, my parents always had at least 5 cats at home whilst I lived there and I absolutely love all things cat !. My OH and I havent got children so my cats are my babies and I know that drives most people mad, or at least they think I am mad. Anyway, it is nice to meet you all and I hope to become a regular member of the board here as you all seem so friendly.