Author Topic: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!  (Read 2918 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2009, 19:20:42 PM »
Aww glad they are now back together  ;D i hope mum has found herself somewhere good

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2009, 19:13:06 PM »
Well Toby (stray two) has had his bits off today and all his treatment and has been reunited with his brother and they seem to be getting on well and I am told they were sharing a bowl of food as our branch co-ordinator left them.  :Luv2: They'll be ready for homing in a week or 2 once we've assessed them and Oscar's foot is completely better.

As far as stray 3 (mum) goes, we think she may have moved on. Noone has actually seen her around for months now I have found out after talking to all the residents. The feeder was only feeding the two boys and her, herself hasn't seen mum for quite a while. I have spent quite some time looking and my trap hsa not been touched, not have the tasty/stinky pilchards left for her so we have packed up shop for a little while on the trapping front and I am going to watch the area closely and see if there is any sign of her at all. It would appear that some foxes have moved into her 'spot' so that may be why she's moved on. I shall keep you posted, should she appear again.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2009, 18:50:04 PM »
2 down 1 to go  ;D well done, i hope they still have their bond

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2009, 23:08:28 PM »
Well I got a call this afternoon from the lady who has been feeding the strays and I managed to get the brother as well! :D He's a tabby and white boy who's very timid at present but I'm sure he will be feeling much better soon, just like his bro. As we've got him quickly it means he should be able to be homed with his brother. He's at the vets now having and they will neuter him tomorrow. The feeder says the boys are very close so I'm hoping this is the case and if it is they will be homed as a pair. If not, we will find them homes singularly.

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2009, 19:12:16 PM »
I took Oscar to the vets for a check on his foot this afternoon and he's doing really well. He's really calmed down too, is all de-stressed and was lovely, cuddly and purry  :Luv2: He's gonna make someone a very lovely companion

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2009, 19:09:11 PM »
Hope you get them both soon

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2009, 11:36:56 AM »
Trap's down for Mum with absolutely no luck so far so think I'm gonna have to try it elsewhere. I spoke to the feeder yeaterday who says she will call next time the brother's in but thought she would give us a break over easter- eg. she's finding it hard to give him up. Hopefully we'll have him soon.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2009, 18:15:23 PM »
 :Luv: any news in his brother?

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2009, 14:02:17 PM »
Oscar is gorgeous...hope it dos'nt take him too long to be in his forever home!  :Luv:

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2009, 13:19:39 PM »

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2009, 11:12:21 AM »
The vet might have said cellulitis (I know humans can get that, but not sure about cats). Congrats on helping this lot.

Yes it is cellulitis! Poor thing by the sounds of it he is doing well today though :)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2009, 10:32:01 AM »
The vet might have said cellulitis (I know humans can get that, but not sure about cats). Congrats on helping this lot.
Please spay your cat

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2009, 19:56:58 PM »
He's got a nasty infection, vet thinks caused by a bite wound from another cat. Apparantly the infection has turned to something that sounded like colisis/chlorosis which is apparantly very nasty but I think I misheard the name as I've googled it and no sign! lol. Whatever it's called though, he is in the best place now :D and his foot will be on the mend in no time.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2009, 19:48:27 PM »
I hope his foot is better soon, do they know what happened? A stray on my estate got caught in a gin trap  >:(

MM, maybe contact CP who could lend you a trap so you could try and help him?  :hug: It's always hard to see a kitty suffering and I agree about how hard it is when noone seems to want to help. 

Im my own mini cp, i have all neccessary equipment to catch him except he wont oblige  >:( hes smarter than any feral iv been after  :tired:
Iv dabbled in 2 domestic rescues and it cost alot more than the whole colony did! They are also still here  :rofl: I might aswell make it a trio  :Luv:

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2009, 19:37:37 PM »
I'm hoping we can get Oscar's brother soon (Our branch co-ordinator named him after my Oscar as they've had a love-hate relationship for some time now!  :rofl:) and then they can be reunited. Oscar had his neuter this afternoon and vaccinations but as they can't start antibiotics the same day as vaccinations he is staying in tonight, starting his antibiotic course for his infection tomorrow and then will move on to his foster home on Saturday morning. I am going to take him. We have a nice new cattery which are going to let us have some pens when we are out of fosterers. It's a really lovely place and he will be the first resident- hopefully his brother will be the second! It would be nice if we could get them both in soon so they don't have long apart.

MM, maybe contact CP who could lend you a trap so you could try and help him?  :hug: It's always hard to see a kitty suffering and I agree about how hard it is when noone seems to want to help. 

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2009, 19:15:30 PM »
Well done you, she must have had a couple more litters in 18 months, good luck finding them :luck:

2 summers ago i saw a tom with a broken leg, the little sod refused to be caught but in the last week he has walked up my path and next doors lots of times  :tired: he paused, turned and looked at me the other morning so im hoping he will consider letting me help him. His leg has naturally 'healed' but he walks terribly stiff  :( i did a leaflet drop for him, i had loads of calls from people who had seen him with his flappy leg but not one had tried to help him  :( >:(

Oscar was lucky to find you  :hug:

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!! Now maybe more!
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2009, 16:59:46 PM »
Well it looks like it may be a little project! Got stray one (now called Oscar) and he's at the vets having the snip and vaccinations as we speak. His foot is badly infected and the vet is very pleased we got him when we did as it could have been extremely nasty without treatment. His brother will be easy to get, the lady will call the next time he's in and one of us will go and collect him. They're 18 month old, friendly tabby boys so will be easy to find homes for. Mum on the other hand is considered feral by her feeder so will need a trap for her in her usual spot. If we find that she is feral, as her feeder is happy to continue to feed we will most likely, trap, neuter and return her as she is lucky enough to be in a nice quiet area. The feeder thinks she may have more kids lurking around so my branch co-ordinator and I are going to do some door to door enquiries to find out how many cats there actually are. All in all, I am sooo pleased that I leafletted this morning, especially in light of Oscar's poorly paw.

Offline Indys Mamma

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2009, 15:16:51 PM »
yay that you found them and they can be sorted without traps

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2009, 15:03:39 PM »
Plus a huge relief to be getting 3 unneutered cats before kitten season really kicks off!

Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Found out about my stray... plus 2 more!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2009, 15:03:02 PM »
Well I've had a cat who has been causing a bit of a commotion around our way for a while. S/he often tries to come in our catflap and is often in the garden- this does not go down well with my boys! I had assumed because it looked fairly well cared for it was likely to have an owner. Anyway, the last few days we noticed it has an injured front leg so I was keen to find out if s/he does have an owner or not. I put down one of our CP traps, locked open to aclimatise it before actually setting the trap as I know through experinec it works better that way. I have often asked around and noone actually knows where the cat lives. Well today as I haven't seen it for a couple of days (My cats have been eating the food in the trap! lol) I put leaflets through all the local doors just saying that I was looking for the owner and if he didn't have an owner I could help with vet treatment and rehoming. Well within 20 minutes, someone called me! :D A nice lady who lives just around the corner. When she moved in 2 years ago, there was a cat and 2 kittens in her garden and she hass been feeding them ever since. They are friendly and go in her house. The cat with the poorly leg is actually one of the kittens from 2 years ago so we have 3 tabbies all coming into care... all of which are very similar looking so I have probably been confusing them for each other! The lady didn't want them to go hungry and didn';t know about fiding them a home so has just been feeding them but is very keen for us to help her. My welfare co-ordinator ios going round this afternoon to get the ones who are inside and then one of us will go back for the others the next time they go in. Saves us the stress of the trapping!


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