sorry i made no sense, but i am all in a difer
my local vets did a test but couldnt really get a big enough sample to see what the lump is, so they said they were 80% it was a tumour, they said my cat wouldnt be a good candidate for chemo as he is not a good patient gets stressed out etc so we put him on prendasone a streroid and that worked great til he got use to them, so i went back to my vets and he said radiotherapy was my only hope
i have pet insurance, and i put the claim in jan but they kept losing my letters and each new letter i said they said they had to pass over to claims and i would know in 10-14 days, well they lost 6 letters, i got a letter back the other day saying they were not going to pay out as it could be a preexisting condition and i didnt have enough evidence to support my claims even throigh i had 2 vets on my side
so i went to this other vet who is 2hours away from me and he said that it would buy my cat some time so i could fight petplan and try and get them to say yes to radiotherapy, so he has been on this chemo tab for 5 weeks now and again back to my cay that i know and love, what makes it harder is that he is only 5, not that any age is easier, but also i rescued him and he had a real bad start in life so i think really he hasnt had much of a life at all and i want him to live til his old and grey with me, so i keep trying,
well yesterday my vet told me that yes i should put him to sleep as we have tried everything but i had to see what the vet said that gave me chemo thought as i guess i didnt like my vets answer, and he said for 10 days try him on some apetite booster tablets and a steroid injection which he had last night, but his still the same, breathing with diffulcity, his hungry as his begging me for food, but cause he cant smell he wont eat and his tummy keeps grumbling, and not his usual self and his become very clingy and i keep thinking is he asking me to hold on and try or let him rest and sleep, i dont know what to do, my family say i am being cruel and let him sleep, but my other vet and the lady who recommend me to the vet to get the chemo said i would be a murderer and i have to try as he may just have a very bad cold and see what happens, but i hate seeing my cat like this esp when he was such a piggy with food i hope this makes more sense xxx