Poor Ginny has a poorly belly. One of them was sick on the bed a few days ago but cleaned it up themselves
so couldn't tell if there was anything wrong with it or who it was so just put it down to a one off, however last night one of them left a deposit in the litter tray which was, shall we say, fragrant
and then Ginny was sick in front of me today.
She seems fine in herself, not dehydrated or pale or anything, and belly isn't hard or tender to touch.
Basically i'm wondering if it could be a bug which is why one was sick a few days ago, and now Ginny today... or it could have been Ginny a few days ago as well, but it seems odd that she's had a healthy day or so in between?
If she's sick again tomorrow or seems out of sorts i'll take her to the vets, but is it likely to just be a bug of some sort? They've had no access to any food other than what they've always been on and nothing else has changed.