Hi Tan
Yep they are both adorable cats and I love them to bits.
2nd October for photo of Leo on the fence (where I live actually) just taken a few weekends ago, he was trying to catch a squiirel.
As for them both sleeping. "When one cat is just not enough"
Bella actually has a heart condition diagnoised Jan last year, she was not expected to live more then then 6 months but 14 months later with good care, a very experienced heart specalist vet who saved her, drugs and Siamese determination she is still with me enjoying the sun and the spring weather, going outside and eyeing up the rabbits. I hope she continues to remain stable, so every week is precious. But she has a good life and considering they are now 12 yrars old they dont look a day over 8 it my opinion. But rhem Siamsese tend to grow old gracefully.
I can find you some more! I will certaintly be entering some in the photo competition.