Last night Jess was freaking out in the bay window at something but I couldn't see what, then I saw a black cat with no tail - had a collar on. Jess then he jumped onto the TV stand was sniffing really quickly under the TV itself, then Milo joined in and they jumped off and were sniffing around the chimney.
They then went really skittish running around, Hubby came in and the boys bolted to the back down and were chittering away, I got Hubby to check whether the black cat was in the front garden and it wasn't. We then noticed it sitting on top of our neighbours gate post, it's really high. We shut the boys in the lounge and went out to shush it off when there was this almighty noise and a HUGE fox jumped over the fence at the bottom of our neighbours garden. Honestly it was like a dog. It soon jumped back over and we shushed the cat off.
We've also had another neighbours cat in the garden but the boys have never reacted in this way before. I wondered if its because this cat doesn't have a tail.
I now feel guilty for shushing him off but equally I felt the needed to protect our boys.