Author Topic: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.  (Read 2916 times)


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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2007, 19:45:16 PM »
is it getting any better for you  :-:

Offline Ela

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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2007, 07:01:57 AM »
but perhaps some how try putting it at the bottom of your bed

Good idea, since reading the post I have been thinking about the ssscat, but me being thick kept thinking how could you keep it upright on the bed, it didn't occur to me to place  it on the floor.  :doh:


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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2007, 21:52:19 PM »
throw your bedding or matress away and ban her from the bedroom compleatly
or if its just bedding and you dont want to throw it get some bicarb of soda and mix to a paste scrub the bedding then rinse then put it in the washer wi some more bicarb and washing powder

moomin did this when she was that age , it was on the bed so she was banned and then she started doing it in the corner of the ktchen floor the only thing that worked was letting her outside , she just HATED her litter tray she has never been happier and is now nearly 2 yrs  I didnt want to let her out and dont let mango out but some cats just prefer outside for weeing .I got to the point i was sniffing everything  :( just to check i was getting obsessive  the bicarb worked on the floors too give it a try its cheep ans effective
but im affraid you will probably have to ban her from the room for weeks  :( put her in a small room wi her litter tray and felliway and lots of toys  ;) shell be fine

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2007, 17:32:15 PM »
just a thought...ela has a post on the general section about ssscat product (a cat deterent) and it sounds quite good, not sure how you could implement it but perhaps some how try putting it at the bottom of your bed and also have her own bed in your room and maybe this would work so would go off (has noise and or spray) and keep her off your bed ???

Offline Roz

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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 17:00:49 PM »
Hi Kittycat,

I absolutely sympathise with you re this problem...but some cats just seem to do it and no matter what you do to deter them...nothing seems to work.

I have skipped so many mattresses because of one of my cats that now I put plastic backed (waterproof mattress covers) on all the (new) mattresses of all my beds....and make every effort to ensure that (Beryl) doesn't make it to any of the bedrooms because she will always pee or poo on the beds if she does.

I don't know whether it is because when they are kittens they are initially encouraged to urinate on their bedding but something seems to trigger the is just bewildering.  My little Beryl is a very clean cat in every other way....she would never dream of urinating anywhere else unsuitable...just the beds.  Sooooo it is a ban on entering the bedrooms for her, which is very sad but she has capitalised on her love and friendship for my dogs and sleeps close to them instead.  In fact, she loves the dogs and is constantly making a fuss of them...much to their embarrassment...ha ha.

Sorry I can't be more helpful or positive but I really do think with some cats that it is a trait that just has to be lived with as best you can.

Best wishes,

You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 16:30:10 PM »
Someone on another forum had a similar problem and found that the texture of the duvet cover made a difference.  I dont' recall what the original duvet was like but when she switched to a tightly weaved cotton duvet cover the weeing stopped.  Maybe experiment with different types of covers and blankets in case a particular fabric is attracting her?

The other thing is to make sure that you're cleaning it adequately as if there's any smell left from a previous occasion it will attract her back to do it again.

I don't know what it is about cats and weeing on beds but it does seem to be fairly common.  Something about the feel of it seems to make them want to pee.  I think you need to shut her out of the bedroom for a while to break the habit (I know you've already tried that) then make sure everything has been cleaned thoroughly with enzymatic cleaner and maybe try something on the bed which is made from a different fabric before you let her back in there.

Sorry I don't have any more suggestions.  I hope you manage to solve the problem but it is possible that you'll just have to shut her out of the bedroom if that's the only place she goes.

How do you react to the peeing and does it only happen at night?  I know you don't want to be ignoring a wet duvet! but if you immediately leap up and give her attention (even negative attention) she may well be doing it as an attention seeking thing.  Maybe you could some plastic sheeting to go on top of the duvet as a temporary measure?  If she does go on that you could try to ignore it for a while - long enough for her to not connect your actions with her weeing so that she realises it doesn't get your attention.

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 16:06:26 PM »
MMMmmm sounds suspiciously like my cody and there are no medical causes with him (of course if in doubt its always better to be seen by a vet)  Im afraid that the only fail safe sure way to prevent our duvet piddler is to ban him from the bedroom...he was highly unhappy by this for a couple of weeks but he did settle and now its the norm for him to be shut in the kitchen at of course he knows exactly and tries to hide under my bed LOL but his activity centre and cosy bed etc are all in the kitchen and the minute the light goes off he curls up in his bed ( i know this as any time ive had to go back through to do something i'd forgotten to do he's already sleeping in his bed  ;D)

of course my two dogs sleep through there aswell and that might help cody as he has company.

i'm taking it you've had all the advice about how to clean after cat pee and feliway etc etc

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 23:42:53 PM »
Is it just weeing? If so, has she been checked for cystitis? Or a UTI in general? Just wondering, because quite often that's the problem.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Sarah (seldom_use)

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Re: Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 23:00:44 PM »
My kitten started doing this recently again too..

I haven't really got to the bottom of why he does it, but it happened about 5 days straight, now it's stopped again.
It's as if he just does it to mark his territoy kind of?

Anyway, as for the overnight meowing-our two done that too.
Infact, the carpet on the other end of the bedroom door is ruined because they HATE closed doors hahaha.
I just eventually let them in and it's not a problem as Tom's stopped peeing on the bed, only problem is 3am and Tilly decides to walk across your head haha and pounce on your feet.

Good Luck  ;D

Sarah xxx

Offline kittykat

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Kitten keeps toileting on our bed......running out of solutoins.
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 22:27:00 PM »
I've posted on here several times about our new kitten tipsey toileting on our bed.  We changed her litter, shut her out of the bedroom (which meant she meows constantly for about 8 hours through the night meaning we haven't had sleep for weeks!).  But it paid off because shes been using her litter tray every day no problems.

Due to the meowing and lack of sleep we decided to let her back in our room so she could sleep near us.  The first two nights were fine.  But the last 2 nights.................shes weed on the bed again!!!

I've been told kittens don't do this to be naughty, they do it for a reason. 

I know shes doing it for a reason, BUT i genuinely think shes knows she being naughty.  The second night, we were shutting her out of the room (because of her peeing the night before) but the minute one of us opened the door, she ran it and started peeing straight away with a naughty glint in her eye! 

Maybe its an attention seeking thing?  But we give her attention constantly.  The only time we don't is when we pop out (she sleeps throughout this) and when we're sleeping!

It sounds like i'm mad but she really does seem to be doing it deliberately.  She using her litter tray with no problems when the bedroom doors shut. 

We're going to have to shut her out again but its going to be more sleepless nights.

Anyone else had this experience?

I love her dearly and i would never get rid of her because of this problem.  I just desperately want to be able to let her in our room without her peeing or pooing on our bed.

Shes 16/17 wks now.

nb:  we have tried sprinkling pepper on the bed (suggested to us by a friend) and putting a litter tray in the bedroom.  So if anyone else has any tips we haven't tried, we'd really appreciate the advice.


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