Author Topic: Bob Martin cat litter  (Read 1994 times)

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Re: Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2009, 18:02:27 PM »
The vet said he could feel some liquid but not enough for him to get a sample. He tucked Amber under his arm and whisked her away to try. Brought her back saying she'd been really good which is most unlike the wriggly cat she normally is lol.He did say with cystitis he would expect it to be empty but maybe it had filled on the way there

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Re: Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2009, 16:58:41 PM »
How was the bladder when the vet felt it hun?    Could they feel anything?

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Re: Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2009, 16:56:49 PM »
Yet another update.....We've now been to the vets as Amber started the yowling again. I dont know if its cystitis or not as I said to teh vet the fact that she keeps stopping yowling adn relaxes and plays is confusing me. Anyway shes had an anti inflammar inj and a painkiller inj and I have to keep an eye on her again. If she starts again they will take her in for a few hours to get a bladder sample and see whats in it.
Of course as Amber came to me with cystitis theres a big chance the insurance wont cover. They've said if the vet writes a letter saying its the bouts arent connected they will 'consider' it. As my vet said Amber hasnt had an attack since at least 2007 but cystitis is recurrent

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Re: Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2009, 10:06:57 AM »
Good new Tab :)

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Re: Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2009, 10:04:20 AM »
Well the update on Amber is that after the unusual fur ball she flopped down looking all relaxed and pleased with herself, saw me looking and had to be cuddled. She was quiet all night and then this morning did a little yowling but when I checked the tray there was a big wee and a pooh there so I think it was a 'Ive been' not an 'Ive NOT been'... She had breakfast and has been totally fine since so I had to phone the vets and cancel the appointment and tell them I over reacted and thought the OMG Ive got a furball yowl was an Ouch Ive got cystitis yowl....You know I do wish they could tell us what was wrong so we didnt have to worry.
Im still of course on Amber watch just in case  ;)
Thanks all

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Re: Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2009, 23:40:35 PM »
Tab how is Amber doing?

If she gets worse call your vet hunnie, esp if she suffers from cystitis.

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Re: Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2009, 20:43:30 PM »
theBM clumping litter is ok but i found theres more dust with it
The world is a dark place because of negativity so lets brighten it up with some possitivity

Offline Topsy Turvey

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Re: Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2009, 18:59:56 PM »
Never tried it honey but sorry to hear about poor Amber.  Hope she's better soon x

Offline tab

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Bob Martin cat litter
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2009, 18:21:22 PM »
Ive noticed that my supermarket .com shows that asda sells Bob Martin Clumping cat litter. Has anyone tried it? I tried the BM wood based one and Amber hated it. The wood based one I normally get has just disappeared from the shelves at the range so I need something else. I thought Id try not wood based as Amber appears to be starting with cystitis again and its not easy to tell with wood based. I basically need something fairly cheap and easy to get hold of.

On the cystitis note Amber only finished the cystaid she was on about 2 days ago and it seems to have come back. Shes yowling and going backwards and forwards to the tray. Up to now she's done a tiny poo and thrown up a big fur ball so Im not totally sure that cystitis is the problem. Shes booked in the cats again tomorrow though.

Thank you


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