I have just spoken with Ann Parry, the vet. Not good news, I'm afraid.
I asked if she could clarify his medical condition. She said he was definitely a lot older than 10. He was in poor condition, blind, thin but good appetite, bad teeth, had an ulcerated mass and was polydipsic (abnormal thirst). She stressed that he had serious medical conditions and was not just an old cat. She said she would discuss with Nicky doing a blood test to find out exactly the condition of his kidneys. I asked her directly if he was currently suffering but she only answered that she 'would be wary about his future'. She also commented that they had to consider whether he was well enough to be moved and travel.
I assured her that most of us have, at times, had to have cats pts as they rarely go peacefully in their sleep, and if this is the case here then of course we understood this. However, I wanted to make sure they were aware that if this little guy is not suffering and has any quality of life that there were people willing to give him that chance.
She confirmed that he is currently being fostered and is not with her.
I guess we can only wait and see but I'm not hopefull.