Rolo (my avitar baby) Is the one that wakes us up if we try to have a lie in. Stands all over us, whiska's in our face, padding the quilt & our flesh,
Squeeking, then he'll jump off the bed & back on & repeat it
Mick is up half hour earlier than me on a morning. Splitz stays in bed with me, Pod will come & see if i am awake, if i pretend to be asleep
i can assure you he will be on the bed, then stand on me (Pod aint no lightweight) I stroke him and off he jumps, runs down stairs & plays with Flora, then Rolo
joins them. Rolo will pelt up the stairs & seek me, and stand all over me, purring then uses his paw to touch my face, then will chew & pull at my hair.
Splitz is not amused at this LOL as she is 9 times out of 10 stretched on MY pillow
She stays in bed, i have to carry her downstairs
so she can have some breakfast, od she would stay snuggled up for hours.
In our last house it was Rolo & Pod banging the kitchen cupboard doors, FOOD time
They would do it here, but i can close this kitchen door.