I had that about two weeks ago. Got home from work. Lexy is an indoor cat and she's not adventurous at all so she's pretty much always around my legs, like clockwork when I get home.
I walk in. Calling, nothing. Up the stairs, nothing. Start to wonder if she's in her bed, nothing. In her tents, nothing, under the bed, under the table, dining room chairs, at this point I'm ripped kick boards away from under kitchen cabinets.. .nothing!
I went back in the living room, checked behind sofas, behind TV, still nothing.
All this time calling her, nothing.
Starting a small panick wondering where she could be, she can't get out.. and madam strolls out from her four poster bed, she'd snuggled under the donut bed inside that and I'd missed her.
My heart was racing I felt sick for an hour after.