This is more days than normal though, I wonder if it is the heat, I had turned the heating up in his room last week, so turned that back down again, but he did something really odd this morning - he jumped in the bath after I had my shower (he is known to jump on the windowsill while I am in the shower), and was sniffing the bottom of the bath. I tried to stop him as I had used shower gel, and in the end put his bowl in the bath with him, and he did drink some of it - I also wiped his legs and chest with cold water to help him cool down, as he is looking rather sweaty again. I bought him loads of food last night, he tucked into the first tray, but only ate half of what I put down and the same with his chicken. If it was any other cat, I Would say what he ate yesterday was enough, but iwht his thyroid he needs to be eating more. His tummy does still make noises, but I daren't put any meds into his food - what other way can I get SEB into him, bearing in mind he hates his mouth being touched. While he is eating somethign every day, I am going to give him some time in case it is just an off couple of days, but if he is still like this in a few days, then I will have to really think, as I suspect it is nausea, and having an upset tum at the moment myself, he can't be feeling great and he has no chance of getting better, so am I keeping him going for him or me?