oh dear, can you not pinpoint it to anything he has eaten recently? hope the sample can find out what is going on I would just keep taking the samples Helen even if he is ok you have 1 bad one.
Nope, there have been no changes in food. The only thing that might have started him off again is that they finished a bag of dry (chicken flavour) so I started a new bag of salmon flavour yesterday. It's the same food they've been eating since they were a few months old though so not likely to have caused it I wouldn't have thought?
He's only had one 5 day course of anti-B's Gill - it cleared it up for 10 days, then one day of diaorrhea, then 6 good days now another bout
I don't want to try Lacto-B just yet as need to get 3 days of unadultered stool samples first and wait for the results.