Things are not good and have just spoken to Geraint.
Although his kidney levels are up slightly in Urea but down in Creatine to 319 an xray has been taken of his bladder and this shows stones and also tiny crystals are coming out. This wasnt the case on the crystals last time and he didnt have an xray, he was too ill for an anesthetic but have to think they were there.
Geraint says he needs an op to remove them and that would be on Tuesday when Gareth was there to do it as long as his kidney figures drop again.
Due to Frantas age and only one kidney this is an enormous risk but as far as I can tell from Geraint he will keep blocking and subsequently die if they are not removed.
Franta has pulled out the catheter and the drip and both have had to be reinserted
I will be going to see Franta tomorrow and need to see Gareth on Tuesday to discuss this, its just sinking in
I am so scared I am going to lose my beautiful boy.......................