Author Topic: RIP Franta Napoleon 13 Aug 93 - 10 May 2011  (Read 356468 times)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #275 on: February 14, 2009, 14:49:36 PM »
I'm so sorry Gill. Will keep everything crossed. What an awful time you're having.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #274 on: February 14, 2009, 14:47:24 PM »
Rachel has just rung and Franta is being transferred totally to St James and Emma will ring me shortly.

He will stay there all weekend at least  and the simple answer to all of this is that they are guessing with his treatment and without an MRI they cant tell, If its a tumour then this would be the worst for Franta and if he cant be stablized on the abs, then Rachle thinks he may have to be PTS.

She is pretty certain that him travelling for an MRI is not an option at present cos of how he is but if he becomes stable and can get to the otherside of Carmarthen then this maybe an option .........but the real question is whether this will help Franta at all because of his general health now and his bp is becoming an issue.

I dont know if my little man will ever come home again  :'( :'( :'(

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #273 on: February 14, 2009, 14:43:55 PM »
Gill just an idea to save on poor Franta being transported could they not show you how to inject the steroid injection - you keep the bottle of stuff in the fridge a bit like the insulin the only thing is the needle is quite big and the steroid is gloopy

A couple of practice shots with water and you would be set - we gave steroids this way to Gem and gracie for 9 and 2 months respectively and the stress level was much easier on them and us

I have to say that we have only used 2 vets practices in the last 20 years apart froma couple of CP vets and I trust them more than our doctors!

I hope that the situation gets calmer all round for both of you  :hug:

Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #272 on: February 14, 2009, 14:17:26 PM »
Thanks Desley cos that makes Rachels estimation sound about right.

I have just taken Kosckas link ...think it was her......sigh I am confuddled................for Downs Vets in Wales and interesting set up by a Cambridge graduate in 1992, Rachel may know him as she is also a Cambridge graduate and this facility is only about 20 miles from here I reckon.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #271 on: February 14, 2009, 14:13:57 PM »
KOshka I have just looked those links ansd second one is great.

I agree with you that he does seem to be having seizures although epilepsy has not been mentioned to me and I suspect the one he had in tha car last night was Grand Mal and also one of the 3 he had on Friday night. I think the others wer probably Psychomotor seizures.

It goes on to say that if the cat is older then the likely causes is a tumor pressing on the brain, which I think is the diagnosis at present.

He has been given an anti-biotic called marbocyl wqhich was intended to be a starter treatment because it gets into the brain areas and gets to any infections in there like Meningitus. The intend next stage was steroids, both of these treat ments to be administered every 24 hours by injection but this means transporting Franta 50 miler every day, which I think is too stressful.

When Rachel next rings I will pass this onto her and see what she says.

Koshka please could you pm me cos I know youre studying something to do with all this kind of theing and would really like to know what you are studying for and where. Thank you so very much for your help  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #270 on: February 14, 2009, 14:13:48 PM »
God, I am so sorry you have had such a bad couple of days Gill, and I do hope they can work things out soon for both you and Franta's sake and that the current treatment works.

I know it's by the by now, but the specialist my vet uses charge £2k for an MRI (or at least they did when I had Tiger there, it might have come down now) - they might be closer being in Yorkshire. Shame your not close to something like that, as they are staffed 24/7, as are my emergency vets.
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #269 on: February 14, 2009, 14:10:01 PM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #268 on: February 14, 2009, 14:05:24 PM »
Sending you more   :hug: :hug: :hug: and a special friend ....
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #267 on: February 14, 2009, 13:45:34 PM »
I didnt know that either had a website Rosella so will check now.

The Gower is my current vets and have used them since I had Misa ands Sasa. Its a small but lovely practise and Richard and Rachel are there. They are used by CP and thats why I knew about them. They handle the cats so well due to the standards that Richard has set and one vert could be introuble I reckon!

Gower gave me the number of St James when Sasa was ill a year ago and becuase I have to trap time scale known! and as I have an hours drive also I could not get to the Gower before they closed and they wouldnt wait for me.

So rang St James and they said as long as Gower were happy they would see Sasa and Jamey the vet was great and handled SAsa well until she bit him LOL. Because I rang around 1130 it was in normal hours on a Saturday. In nov I need renal buscuits for Franta after the Gower ran out and got them from St James and at that time was asked if I wanted to register Franta so I did and they alsi regisrerd Ducha and Misa.

But despite this last night I was givem the run around by the emergency vet there until I told her that if Franta died ion my way home I would know where to come! She then said if I would take litigation against them, she would take Franta in.

Very very nasty and got another load of  :censored: when I got their about professional ethics etc etc which is all just garbage,

When I told Rachel she said there was an agreement of non-poaching between the two but I didnt want a poaching situation , just Franta safe and under observation for the night cos I wasnt sure I could get him hom if he had another serious fit.

Rachel has now said that the fits seem to be coming after he has been moved but its still too early to tell if there is a pattern and certainly that wasnt the case when they started but she is now concerned about his BP which can cause blindness and he showing signs of retinal damage and think more since last night....probably the very bad fit he had in the car..........and also a stroke and brain damage. So she doesnt want him moved around any more either now.

So no I have never had St James as my vets only in an emergency and there are known issues uts coming out now cos Rachel told me today that people around the surgery where trying to use St James as the emergency place rather than go to Vets Now which is on the other side od Swansea....St James is only 15 mins away.

So I am waiting for Rachels call again and will do a search on St James cos they are a group practice.

Concerning the MRI scan Franta cannot be transported and yesterday before this was known, it was decided that the expense and trauma to Franta on any journey was not worth the possible outcome, which just may show that he has a brain tumour that would be treated as they are trying to traet him now.

I have so many mixed emotions about all of this as does Rachel cos from a professional point of view she would love to know what is going on inside his head becuase she says his symptoms are very unusual and do not match any that are known all together but still have to look at Koshkas links.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #266 on: February 14, 2009, 13:23:38 PM »
Glad you are home safe and that Franta is hanging in there. Very pleased he had a better night. Is he on any medication Gill?  Have to say Rachel is a star. Do I take it St James is the name of the practice that Emma is at and The Gower the name of Rachel's practice?  Ah just googled and looks like that's it.  Did you use St James in the past and move for a reason?  From their web pages, St James certainly seems to offer lots more facilities and Emma sounds pretty good. Like MM said vets feelings must be left out of the equation when deciding who can provide the best care for him.  Is it possible for St James to take Franta as a referral for this condition?

I was about to say I'm not aware of any veterinary practice near us that gives 24/7 care but googled my old vet practice (coz they are part of a large chain) and what do you know, not only 24/7emergency cover but an MRI scanner too and I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole following the experience I had when Gandolf was pts.  

You now need to get some rest Gill. Franta is in the best possible hands. Rachel will do what's best.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #265 on: February 14, 2009, 13:14:37 PM »
I hope the vets are able to work something out but I don't blame you at all for wanting to move him. Franta comes first and I'm sure a good vet would understand that.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #264 on: February 14, 2009, 13:14:19 PM »
You are doing the right thing Gill :hug:

Rachel sounds an excellent vet and its a shame they dont have all the facilities to care for Franta

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #263 on: February 14, 2009, 13:09:39 PM »
Rachel just rang me and Franta still Ok but she agrees that really he should not be moved but I am unhappy if he is left along for long pperiods of time until he is stabalized because if he has fits in quick succession this is very dangerous and aslo there is nobody to fed him, which he needs after a fit.

I have told her that in view of this, unless this problem can be resolved then I will have to transfer him to St James although I dont want to but Franta has to come first......this is horrible and dont want to transfer him but she understands.

She is going to ring me later cos she is still trying to get hold of a particular vet at St James and has their personnal number.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #262 on: February 14, 2009, 13:03:50 PM »
Change your vets if you have to Gill to the one with the better facilities.  I had to do this with Dragan who had been with the prevous vet for 16 years but they were not geared up to deal with his emergency when he was admitted into intensive care.  I have no loyalty to vets, they get paid for treating our animals and I would go for who can provide the best facilities and treat Franta properly.  I hope he has no further fits but the stess of continually moving him could provoke one.  I really hope they can get to the bottom of it and stop passing you from pillar to post.  We are here for you and all of us thinking of you all constantly :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #261 on: February 14, 2009, 13:00:44 PM »
Gill very glad Franta had a better night, fingers crossed that his condition is settling. :hug:

Also hope you dont have to change your vets to get the care needed :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #260 on: February 14, 2009, 12:54:44 PM »
My heart goes out to you Gill. Franta is so lucky to have such a loving mum.

All the very best

 :hug: :hug:

Leigh :hug:
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #259 on: February 14, 2009, 12:51:02 PM »
I am back home again but Franta is back at vets with Rachel!

He has not had any fits over night and I think he is a bit brighter than he was but he is still very very down and quite larthargic. Apparently there is a medical name for this but have forgotten it.

The vet I saw when I collected him from the emergency vets ia calleed Emma and knows Rachel cos they trained together at Cambridge and her opinion was that until Franta is stabalized he really needs to be kept under observation in one place..........I so agree.

I have told Rachel about last night and also what Emma siad and pointed out to her that this cant happen cos you keep having to move them from Vets Now and Franta cant be left on his own incase he fits.........we are usuing the term fit here loosely cos it isnt really a fit................Koshka will look at all your links a bit later and thanks for your research  :hug:

Rachel has taken personal responsibility for Franta right now and if he needs to be transported she will do this.

I also told her that we had a petition running against the appalling situation with Vets Now and emergency care for animals........she was surprised.

I think Rachel agres with Emma but the problem is the vet situation does not allow for a very sick cat to be treated properly, except at St James who have 24/7 cover. Rachel is going to speak to Richard head of my vets and aslo speak to St James and she will ring me later.

I have to say that if I cant get a satisfactory situation for Franta at the Gower my only option will be to transfer him to the care permanently of St James but I will hate to lose Rachels expertise, knowledge of Franta and her will to help him.

So Franta and I are back to square one really and his treatment isnt being given a chance to work because of the ludicous continual transportation he is having to suffer which cant help him. The roads are so bad I am sure he must feel terrible being bounced around in his carrier all the time but right now it seems he is too ill to care  :( :(

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #258 on: February 14, 2009, 12:49:59 PM » close are you to Bristol????
9, Great Brockeridge, Westbury on Trym, Bristol, BS9 3UA
Off M4, take refferals- the MRI scanner is on site 24/7 according to what I can see on the page.
gotta be better than East Anglia for a drive?

Well done Ruth.  Gill. The office is closed but message gives following emergency contacts numbers:
Tele for the public 01179 713111 or a vet can page the on call vet on 01209 823133

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #257 on: February 14, 2009, 12:42:41 PM »
Gill I'm so sorry about everything you are going through with poor Franta but well done on standing your ground. Hope you feel better after some sleep. Sending lots of positive vibes.


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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #256 on: February 14, 2009, 11:38:24 AM »
Fingers crossed they can get something sorted out fast for Franta......Sending more positive vibes your way~~~~~~ :hug: :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #255 on: February 14, 2009, 11:21:16 AM »
Oh hun i have just caught up and read the whole thread and i am so sorry darlin Franta is so ill.  :'( My heart is breaking for you as it must be so hard to not to have the right reason and treatment for him and to see him have the attacks.  Racheal and Richard sound if they want the very best for him so i am praying that they find the right medication and he can be at home.

Hun i so wish i could be there with you. I am sending all my luv and will be thinking of you both. I hope all the healing vibes and thoughts forr you from us can help in someway and they find the right way to help him back to his old self.

My prayers are with you both. :hug: :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #254 on: February 14, 2009, 11:12:15 AM »
what a nigthtmare you are going through, Gill - every one of us is there with you

I have doubts myself about the ability of vets to deal with serious illness, especially uncommon ones - even the specialist centres are geared up more to deal with advanced orthopaedics and traumatic iinjuries rather than illnesses - serious illnesses are more the subject of research than direct treatment- the one advantage of Newmarket, I believe, is that they will take on some animals if their condition is the subject of their research, for free or reduced costs

if you can get Franta stabilised it might be a possible line to pursue
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #253 on: February 14, 2009, 11:11:19 AM »
What a terrible and exhausting time you'e having  :hug:  I hope today brings some good news.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #252 on: February 14, 2009, 10:53:26 AM » close are you to Bristol????

9, Great Brockeridge, Westbury on Trym, Bristol, BS9 3UA

Off M4, take refferals- the MRI scanner is on site 24/7 according to what I can see on the page.

gotta be better than East Anglia for a drive?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 10:55:33 AM by koscha (Ruth M) »

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #251 on: February 14, 2009, 10:33:41 AM »
What a nightmare time youre having. Poor Franta and poor you.
My parents dog had an MRI just before christmas at the Chestergate refferal hospital near C Hester and it cost £1800. They also charge £100 a day to keep animals in but I was so impressed with the place.
I do hope you can find a treatment that helps
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #250 on: February 14, 2009, 09:26:10 AM »
Phew Gill, what a horrendous time. I still can't work out why valium isn't on the cards as it is generally used to stop fitting.  Swampy had 5mls IV to stop his fits - he also has CRF issues but there was no alternative. He was sent home with a 1ml vial to give rectally if he fitted. Plus the vet put him for 24 hours in an oxygen tent (not every vet has those I know, he was its 1st ever occupant).

The other med perhaps you could ask about is pheno barbital. It's given to cats who have regular fits to prevent them. There's a yahoo cat group on seizures which may be helpful; a lot of the members live with cats that have regular fit problems.
I hope even though Bristol don't have him as a direct patient and can't do an MRI that they can at least give continuing advice based on his notes?

As for the vets, well done you for standing your ground. I'm sure once the dust settles, they won't 'ban' you but will just realise what stress you are under and how you are just trying to get treatment in an urgent situation. All the very best to Franta and his mum.  :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #249 on: February 14, 2009, 09:06:02 AM »
Gill journey to vet must have been horrendous especially when Franta had a turn.

Do hope some meds can be sorted today and you can get him home. Dont worry about the others as I am sure they can sense what is going on :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #248 on: February 14, 2009, 08:50:10 AM »
Ruth those links are really interesting and probably extremely useful to Gill.  Is a CT scan possible if MRI not available until Thursday?  What about Franta being examined by a specialist at Bristol?

Just occurred to me that Newmarket was where I was toying with bringing Tom for HyperT radioisotope treatment at one point but it turned out that HyperT wasn't really his problem. Vets eh, they don't know everything that's for sure  :(

Gill, what can I say. You must be so very tired.  Don't waste any energy worrying about your spat with the vet last night.  She didn't realise how ill Franta was and you were going through hell.  Hope you managed to get some shut eye.  I woke up a few times last night thinking of our boy but didn't want to come downstairs in case the news was even worse than it is.  Even went around doing lots of little jobs this morning putting off looking at this thread.  He's still here ..... so it's onwards and upwards. We're all here for you both  :hug:
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 08:51:05 AM by Rosella moggy »

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #247 on: February 14, 2009, 08:30:31 AM »
Gill, am so sorry you had such an appalling return journey, and am adding my thoughts and prayers to all of the others for you and Franta.   Professional ethics shouldn't get in the way of emergency care.  Those are the things you never see on the television vet programmes.

I suspect the practice in East Anglia with the MRI scanner may be the one in Newmarket that I mentioned yesterday, but it's a long journey to make.

Will be hoping for better news for you this morning.   :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #246 on: February 14, 2009, 08:08:35 AM »
Way to go Gill - you've been barred from a vet surgery, Franta will be proud of you girl.  :evillaugh: :naughty: :Luv2: :rofl: :Luv2: :hug:

Seriously though I pray he is ok this morning and he is goig to have the correct treatment.

Don't worry about your other puds they know you love them and they know Franta is ill - remember they are more intelligent than humans  :rofl: :Luv2:

Still a long way to go Gill but you and Franta are both staying strong and fighting with all his 9 lives.

Love Mary and Bonnie xx :hug: :hug:
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #245 on: February 14, 2009, 07:33:34 AM »
Im so sorry Gill and wish i could say or do something to help with this but unfortunately i cant,all i can do is send healing vibes for Franta and hope and pray they can sort this out quickly for your sake and for Franta,as for the vets im absolutely disgusted that they could waste precious time argueing about ethics when poor Franta desperately needed to be seen.I do hope they can find some solution to this problem and help the little man :hug: :hug:
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #244 on: February 14, 2009, 07:31:29 AM »
Wish I could do more than let you know we are thinking of you and sending lots of positive, healing vibes, los of these  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and "petitioning the Guy Upstairs"  :) X
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Offline koscha (Ruth M)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #243 on: February 14, 2009, 07:25:34 AM »
Hun, heres some hugs for you to help you through today....
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've done my scientific trawl and found these sites for you.....

From what these sites say Franta is having epileptic seizures though I would not hazard a diagnosis (i'm not a vet). Have a look at them, take careful note of how he acts before, during and after an attack as this seems to be key to diagnosis and treatment.....

Has a CSF test been mentioned? This is the next best test for determining cause after MRI. Might be worth a mention.... :)

Sorry if i'm overwhelming you, but i'm so desperate to help and as i'm so far away this is the only way i know how... :(

as for that other vet..a pox upon be so unfeeling as to refuse to help a seriously ill cat  >:(

Take care today x

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #242 on: February 14, 2009, 07:09:15 AM »
 :hug:  Sorry to hear about Franta Gill but I can relate to how you're feeling our vet has suspected a mass with Schui for a good while now it does seem that with cases like this it is often that they don't know exactly, whatever it turns out to be I hope they can give him some treatment to help him with it as they are Schui xx
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 07:10:52 AM by janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #241 on: February 14, 2009, 06:25:35 AM »
You poor thing and poor poor Franta.  I am totally disgusted at the emergency vet for their first refusal to see such a sick little pussy cat.  I know they have ethics but that could have all been sorted out the next day.  Surely Frant's welfare should be paramount to any vet?  I don't have words to make you feel better all I have is hope and positive vibes for your baby and you.  Did they say anything about his middle ears and why give him ear drops if there was no visible infection?  It does sound like something is going on with his brain and I hope they can get to the bottom of it and stop wasting time with Franta and you.  You must be exhausted and so so anxious.  I hope you managed to get some sleep and that Franta had a quiet night.  My thoughts are with you at this awful time  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #240 on: February 14, 2009, 01:23:27 AM »
Oh Gill Im so sad to read this.

I hope Franta can keep well from now on  :)
Just because your out of sight, does not mean your out of mind <3

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #239 on: February 14, 2009, 01:07:51 AM »
Thanks Gillian and I think the emergency vet situation is now bording on the ridiculous and know Angie had a petition about Vets Now but the problem is much deeper than that and extends into what this vets is saying is ethical behavior and all sorts of cop outvstuff that stops us getting emergency care from a vet.

Fancy taking a cat having a serious 'fit' to an emergency vet and they say no we wont treat them cos you are registered elseware that is closed and we will only treat if you transfer to us!

I dont call that ethical at all

You also cant just turn up you have to ring first and Franta could have died while I was arguing with her on the phone. She was saying well is he ok now, well take him home then. He had two'fits'within 15 mins, one very very bad and there was no way of telling when or if he would have another.

All I know he had three in the early hours this morning an hour apart and 3 at the vets today 20 mins apart but the gap between the group seems to be getting longer 6- 9 hours apart. Nobody knows what is triggering them and my vets have never seen such symptoms and they dont tie up with all the normal neuro symptoms.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #238 on: February 14, 2009, 00:59:00 AM »
So sorry for you and Franta Gill.
Can only send more healing vibes and  :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all there and hope things are better tomorrow.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #237 on: February 14, 2009, 00:40:31 AM »
Oh Gill what a complete nightmare! I posted just now as you were doing your update. You must be exhausted enough without having to deal with shirty vets and ones who get it wrong too! It must be so frustrating and scarey that no-one seems to know exactly whats wrong with Franta. At least he's being monitored but I know you just want him home and I'm sending all positive vibes I can for him to improve soon.  :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #236 on: February 14, 2009, 00:25:02 AM »
Sorry for what you and Franta are going through Gill, hope tomorrow brings better news.  :hug:


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