I have just got home from vet again with Franta. He has had two injections and hoping they will bring him back to his normal self, one being an appetite booster which must work slowly cos he not hungry!
He also had an anabolic steroid to try and reduce any inflamation he may have but his bloods are almost perfect for any cat of 17 but very good for one with only one kidney. He has a very slight temperature but heart and lungs fine, no lumps and he looks very good but he has lost his voice and is hoarse as he rediscovered it at the vets ........sigh
Its all a mystery why he isnt himself and seemed to have been getting worse over last 3 days,,,,,,,,,,,,,he positively bounced upstairs after getting out of his carrier and now is back on my bed in the same place he has been all week.
Gareth said to give him to monday and if no improvement I can pop down for 5-7 days of syringes of abs for him..........a normal one not marbocyl. He is going away but he will talk to the other two vets that have seen Franta who are Garaint and Emma so they know the situation.
Its all a mystery cos he said Franta is just so good for his age both from the outside and inside.
So really hoping he will improve over the weekend.