Thank you all so much for the good vibes, the operastion will be uderway now and am waiting to hear if the first part has gone OK and stopped there or whethyer they will have to move to the second part.
Just before I got there Franta bit throught the stitchs holding the catheter in and pulled it out again and can see that he also has a new badage on his leg where the drip goes in. He blocked up again as soon as he pulled the catheter out
Gareth has shown me the xrays and he believes the stones that were around his non-working kidney 3 years ago have broken up and moved into his bladder, not quite all though. He has one stone that is possible now blocking up the opening (uretha?) and the catheter had moved it to one side . This is the one that is the real problem.
I had 3 options PTS, an op to remove the stone by blowing it back into the bladder and then open ing the bladder to remove all stones and crystals and hoping that no more will come down from around the kidney and the most complicated that will be stage two if they cant blow the stone back, is to castrate him ie feminize him so the opening is made bigger and and small syones will just pass through but this also iunvolves moving the stone to a plce they can get at it.
I decided we would go for tryimng to get the stone fromm the bladder which will change to the last option if they cant move it.
Gareth is doing the operation and the first part will take about an hour or so but if they cant do that they will ring me to say they are moving to the feminizing option which will take about 3 hours.
I saw Franta for quite a while and he wanted to get off the table and onto the floor and was flicking his drip lead to try and get it out of his leg, being my cheeky clever Franta.
Gareth says that Franta is a strong cat and he thinks he will be Ok with the anesthetic, so am just sitting around worrying and waiting for a phone call to know how things have gone.
I have told Franta that everyone is routing for him and to be a big strong fighting Catman and I love him so much.
Forgot to say that cos of all his successes in pulling out catheter and drips he is going to be stitched under the skin and glued.