Spent a long time with Franta today but missed Gareth grrrrrrrrrr.
I was shocked how bad Franta was, much worse than yesterday and he was brought out of his cage by a vet nurse and she had a look at him and asked for the vet Katie to come and look at him.
Before that happened David another vet wanted him moved into a consulting room, so he did that and then Katie came. She was really nice and helpful and explained that he had vetagesic jab this morning and sometimes that made cats very sleepy. His eye was bad and she said that its probably as a result of the anesthetic cos they put something in the eyes while they are under, especially for those who had long ops like Franta.
He is not using the tray as much and only went twice in 2 hrs plus although he was leaking before that.
He was lying on his side for a long time and the vet nurse cleaned his eye and he really was looking so ill.
He had kidney levels tested again this morning and his levels have not gone up despite him being off the drip but he does feel a bit dehydrated and he wont eat or drink. He was also scanned to make sure he has no internal leaks.
Katie said she would make sure that fluid was syringed into him if he womt eat or drink cos they really dont want to put him back on a drip but will if necessary.
By the time I left he was still lying down most of the time but enjoyed looking out of the window of the consulting room and the vet nurse very kindly made me a coffee and she said when I popped back to the car, he was looking around for me and crying. We had some chill time where he was dozing off and also me!
Katie things he is still hurting and the vetagesic is very necessary and it needs to be injected, he is tired and this is part the meds and he is on abs jabs too, and he is depressed cos he wants to go home, is bored and fed up being in a cage.
His behavioiur althoiugh still not FRanta was much better once out of the room with cages................its a big room but no access to windows for Franta and its part cages and part treatment with a clear door to an operating theatre, its very nice and has loads of kit attached to walls with consulting tables.
I suspect Franta is pretty well sick of the sight of it now.
The vet nurse who hadnt met Franta didnt know that when well Franta is not a lie on your side cat, but very much loud, in your face and trash his cage type of cat, so that helped her and she will be there with Katie all weekend.
The decision to keep him there was confirmed by Katie that its the right one cos of the vetagesic and abs jabs, the former needs to be injected into a vein or muscle and thats beyond my skill.
I will be seeing them all again tomorrow and then have an appointment to see Gareth on Monday and if the course of abs is finished and also the need for vetagesic, I suspect he will be coming home on at least a trial basis.
I think he will be better at home now and he can sleep where ever he wants but also cuddle and be with me, which I think may help him as long as his litter tray problem is sorted.
It will be nearly 5 days from the op so over half way through the healing process.
I would like to see him sitting up and wanting to be stroked tomorrow and also his op site and back legs all dry because that would be sign of him really improving.