Have just insisted on speaking to a vet cos franta had another bad attck.
Vet doesnt know what to do and thinks maybe he has a brain problem, although initially was talking about xraying his stomach.
He said that the treatment should have kicked in by now and he agrees that Franta is getting worse.
He says could be a small stroke or a brain tumour but hard to diagnose in cats apart from MRI which he says is silly money.
I have insurance with AXA that would cover this ands know that franta would need to be aneathnatized SP? but we need to know what is going on and this maybe the only way but I dont know if he would have to go to Bristol for this.
The other possibility is steroids but will have probs getting them into him and they would likely affect his one remaining kidney.
I have told him to speak tio the vet that was looking after Franta before and someone will come back to me in a couple of hours or so.
I am sooooo worried but if this yowling is pain from something we need to know pain from what,,,,,,,,,,,dont we? This vet is saying he just doesnt know what can be done!
What advice do you all out there have.............this is killing me