Author Topic: RIP Franta Napoleon 13 Aug 93 - 10 May 2011  (Read 356458 times)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #595 on: February 25, 2009, 13:36:15 PM »
Our babes are such a worry at the best of times, but moreso when we're on the lookout for every little thing they do  :hug:

Sending Frantaman a big cuddle too  :Luv2:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline BlueHeather

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #594 on: February 25, 2009, 12:32:06 PM »
As do we all Gill.

Toby sending him positive Birman licks and yowls  :hug:
and a good chin and throat tickle from me too
Heather x
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #593 on: February 25, 2009, 12:27:31 PM »
What a little fighter :)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #592 on: February 25, 2009, 12:18:18 PM »
Thanks  :hug:

I have just sorta disturbed him and he came out from behind his curtain, licked some jelly and had some strokes and a chat.......well I did the chatting.

So he is the same as yesterday, quiet and sleeping most of the time.

Just realized that he also had a convenia jab which ran out today as well and I feel like I am holding my breath............just so want him to be OK.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #591 on: February 25, 2009, 11:29:31 AM »
Everything crossed here too! :hug: :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #590 on: February 25, 2009, 08:55:22 AM »
I'd be the same as you Gill, everything crossed here firmly.

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #589 on: February 25, 2009, 07:54:07 AM »
Its all looking a lot more promising Gill. Parki, Archie and I till have everything crossed :hug:

Did not realise small vet practises were having such problems, very sad

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #588 on: February 25, 2009, 07:06:08 AM »
Glad you were able to have a chat with Richard Gill, because certainly in terms of localised vet care and cover it seems to have answered a lot of your questions.

It's sad to hear that they're struggling to keep going.  I heard on the news back in November that vets practices were one of the few businesses that didn't seem to be suffering in the recession, but guess that depends where you are and what type of practice you have.  I know that a little further afield from us there are four new veterinary practices who've set up shop in the last year - one is a rather smart and swanky animal hospital just off the A1 which has a therapy pool and complementary practitioners available.

Am glad Franta came downstrairs, and even that he went out (although I know how much that in itself is a worry to you at the moment)  :hug: as he's showing signs of interest again.  Sending him a little chin rub this morning and a snuzzle from his mate, Paddy.   :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #587 on: February 25, 2009, 01:27:17 AM »
will be 48 hours since last abs injection around 0930, franta has been downstairs a little tonight and also popped into the garden cos when i went upstairs he was wet.....sigh.

so next couple of days gonna be important..........geez its a worry.

Offline maryas

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #586 on: February 24, 2009, 14:05:38 PM »
We will always worry too much Gill... If we didn't I would want to ruddy well know why :Luv2: :Luv2:

Bonnie is spending loads of time upstairs and in the spare bedroom at night (apart from last night when I woke up with her on my head  :rofl: :rofl: :shocked: :Luv2:

The weather and just the simple thing of being a cat could be the reason :rofl:

M & B xx :hug:
Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #585 on: February 24, 2009, 13:34:58 PM »
The answer is that VN cant give 24/7 cover but between them and the vet the cover would be there and bacause a vet would be transporting any drips and stuff woud not have to be disconnected.

It is not a satisfactory situation but Richard said that under the law for working hours he would need to double or more his staff to be able to give cover and financial situation just does not let him do this and this is the case for most vets.

I have to say that any small vets giving 24/7 cover is likely to be breaking the working hours law.

I dont know what the answer is at all because which ever way we are not getting 24/7 care for sick animals up to the standard that we should and what ever was happening before the finacial crisis was not good and now its worse.

He also mentioned prescription charges and being undercut by the internet which he says is taking one hour of VN pay away fror every prescription.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #584 on: February 24, 2009, 13:28:02 PM »
Did I really do a post without sending tons of  :hug: to Mr Frantaman?  Shame on me.

Yes of course you worry too much Gill but then don't we all  :hug:  It would be nice if there were a switch we could press to stop worrying until it is necessary but with love comes worry. They just go hand in hand.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #583 on: February 24, 2009, 13:21:00 PM »
Our head vet is also a Richard Gill.  Strangely he too seems to have a heavy cold.  If your Richard is anything like ours, you are lucky. Interesting what your Richard says about transport to Vets Now.  But would Vets Now provide 24 hour care?

When I brought the little uns for their jabs yesterday morning, I was surprised to be the only person in the surgery and commented on it. Mondays mornings are very usually busy. Vet said someone hadn't turned up and in any event they had booked half the morning for my little troop.  I suspect people are cutting back on veterinary care  :( just not in our house; 3 visits in a week.  The VN said we should buy shares in the practice this am.

Offline Topsy Turvey

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #582 on: February 24, 2009, 12:57:02 PM »
 :hug:  :hug: to you and Franta x

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #581 on: February 24, 2009, 12:51:48 PM »
Franta update....he has bloomin stayed behind his curtain except for necessities ever since we cam home from the vets am a bit worried I worry too much?

He is unusually for him too quiet.

I have just had a word actually a long chat with Richard my the head honcho at Frantas old vet. It seems from his practice at least Vets Now is operating rather different than when I last used the service and apparently in the last 6 months Vets Now in Swansea at least has changed also.

Nobody had told me and Richard is now going to make sure this is toild to people as he didnt know that it wasnt,,,,,,,,,,,but the Gower has a practice car so that they can transprort animals to and from Vets Now because especially in cases like Franta, owners should not be transporting their aniimals. So Franta should have been taken to Vets Now by a vet and also brought back again and really on that terrible Friday 13th I should have not been taking Franta 25 miles in the car.

I do not attach any blame to Rachel because I had clearly told her that I would not use VN and as Franta had been at St James the night before and I had said that transferring him may be the only option , I think she ran with what I said. I have made this clear to Richard.

He was unhappy that his clients did not know about the service provided by him and he also tells me that 6months ago VN in Swansea was totally changed and a leading special;ist has been brought in to run it and she has also reduced the fees. They are now the country leader in Swansea . so guess thats wherethey are watching before they change VN all over the country.

He has also explained why St Js run a 24/7 care which is to do with the law on farm animals which says they must have 24/7 care and that does not apply to small animals. He thinks this is about to change and if it does then St Js will stop their 24/7 care!

He says that the Gower are struggling to stay open financially and he may have to let one vet go in a couple of months unless the economic climate picks up, he also told me how much he pays his vets and vet nurses and that many vets now are struggling to stay open. He would love to run a 24/7 clinic but without enormous amounts of money and very very high prices it just cant be done.

Nothing but doom and gloom and think he is telling the truth and he has a terrible cold and says he is just getting ill over and over and had last friday off cos he was so ill............I do hate fri 13th cos if he had been around then Franta may have still been treated by the Gower..........but think Richard is under a lot of stress right now due to finacial circumstances.

He has also said that if Franta goes backwards off the record he thinks that Franta should have an MRI but I would have to discuss that with Gareth.

Apart from Franta getting well, the next thing I would love is for the Gower to survive because I know that Richards standards in terms of animal care and also how animals are treated/handled is second to none.

I have also told him that all of Frantas notes have not been transferred to St Js and Richard said he would sort that out and allso the insurance claim.

Its saved me a journey and the petrol and allows me to keep watch on Franta, at least.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #580 on: February 24, 2009, 08:15:18 AM »
Glad the news is seeming positive, and fingers crossed for the next couple of days.
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #579 on: February 24, 2009, 03:24:46 AM »
Really pleased with Frantas news - hope each day gets better - big  :hug: :hug: :hug: to you and all the furries.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #578 on: February 24, 2009, 01:30:01 AM »
Fab news  :wow:

Im so happy for you both!  ;D :hug: :hug:

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #577 on: February 23, 2009, 21:53:45 PM »
It all sounds really promising Gill ;D

Archie Parki and I are keeping fingers and paws crossed ;D

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #576 on: February 23, 2009, 21:38:04 PM »
all sounds promising Gill..... keeping everythign crossed for a very uneventful few days! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
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Offline maryas

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #575 on: February 23, 2009, 21:32:00 PM »
 :thanks: Sue and Christine.  Should be grateful I have a job the way things are at the moment I suppose.  Never mind at least now I can put all my thoughts on Franta and Gill.

M & B  :hug:
Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #574 on: February 23, 2009, 18:42:36 PM »
Have been sooo  :scared: :scared: :scared: to post on here for Franta, because the last time I posted, the next post was not so good
and I ended up getting paranoid about being a jinx  :( (if that makes sense ??) But I have been watching Frantas progress avidly, and I feel
it may now be safe for one of these  :yayyy: way to Go Franta and a  :hug: for Gill for being such a good meowmy

Misty and Slave topping up the healing vibes also  :care: :care: :care:
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #573 on: February 23, 2009, 18:33:29 PM »
 :hug: hope Franta continues to do well Gill
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #572 on: February 23, 2009, 18:28:46 PM »
Gill, very pleased all went well at the vet's although huge commiserations about the Redcurrant.  :(  :hug: :hug:  Hope the insurance will be sorted out at the vets without any delay.

Mary - not great news, but hoping a better opportunity is waiting for you out there.  :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #571 on: February 23, 2009, 16:57:25 PM »
That's good news about Franta, but not so good about the car or Mary's interview  :hug:.

Fingers crossed for the next couple of days.
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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #570 on: February 23, 2009, 16:00:40 PM »
Fingers crossed for him, its all sounding good though  :hug:  a tentative dancing banana here  :yayyy:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #569 on: February 23, 2009, 15:59:47 PM »
Finger crossed for next few days for gorgeous Franta. :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #568 on: February 23, 2009, 15:54:22 PM »
thought had better change title!

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #567 on: February 23, 2009, 15:53:54 PM »
Wow, way to go Franta

That all sounds really positive.

Fingers crossed for the next few days at the AB's leave him

 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #566 on: February 23, 2009, 15:51:20 PM »
not the bonnet its the bumper............even thats bad looks like its got a large plaster on it now....sigh

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #565 on: February 23, 2009, 15:44:17 PM »
Yay well done Frantaman!!  :wow:Bummer about the bonnet though. :tired:

Offline maryas

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #564 on: February 23, 2009, 15:22:25 PM »

I WANT MORE BANANAS :hug: :hug: :hug:

So you've been practising to be a stock car racer Gill  :rofl: :naughty:  I'm as bad when I've got Bonnie in the car.

Do hope the next few days are the best ever for Old Blue Eyes.

Love Ma& B xx

P.S. - Didn't get my job  :'( :( >:(
Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #563 on: February 23, 2009, 15:18:34 PM »
We have everything crossed here for the next few days - I have every confidence that Franta will be fine.  Hopefully his appetite will improve now that he's off the Marbocyl.   Shame about the redcurrant - easily done, not so easily mended. :hug:

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #562 on: February 23, 2009, 14:33:01 PM »
Sounds promising - good old Franta  :hug:

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Offline clarenmax

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #561 on: February 23, 2009, 14:12:24 PM »
This is all sounding very good and positive, hopefully the next few days will be fine, and then we can maybe have some more dancing bananas  :hug:  :Luv2:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #560 on: February 23, 2009, 14:10:33 PM »
Sounds all promising and sending continous healthy vibes your way x

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #559 on: February 23, 2009, 14:03:27 PM »
great news!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #558 on: February 23, 2009, 13:55:09 PM »
 :thanks: for all the good wishes all, They are so much appreciated  :hug:

We are back and today Franta is quite chirpy,,,,,,,ummmmmmmmm noisy  :rofl:

He has had no more attacks, antbiotics finished today and Gareth has seen Franta in his noisy grumpy I dont wanna be here state, which made him lauigh.

Gareth is very pleased with him but the criticall time is gonna be the next 48-72 hours as the abs leave his body and its at that point we will know better how he is. The abs have targetted his brain and inner ear, meningitus or other brain infection, if he starts have seizures again after the abs have cleared his system then it means he either needs another longer course and/or a scan.

I have been given a tube of diazapam to stick up his rear end if he has an attack to allow me to transport him back as an emergency but Gareth and I have all fingers crossed that there will be no recurrence and its a matter of taking one day at a time for now.

Gareth has said that he may have had a stroke from which he is recovering, so Sue you are bang on there, and that will account for his sorta slight confusion and stuff. The new blood tests done on the Gower show he is mildlly anaemic but Gareth says for a 16yr old cat that would be normal. He is showing very very minor signs of Hyper-T but the tests have come back with a note against that saying that if he is ill from something else and /or on meds this could be the reason.

He has lost some weight and Gareth thinks this needs to be kept an eye will need to get a scale Rosella......he is now about 4.2kgs so down down from 4.5 but also  this is a different scale that could account for it, although I think he has lost weight over the last week which also ties in with him not eating so much.

All in all right now its one of these  :yayyy: but think will have to wait to see if he is Ok for rest of week before them breaking out big time  ;D

One strange thing is all his records have not been passed on from the Gower and they do not have the report from Bristol on the kidney issue or any info about it and I expected that his complete notes would have been passed on. So this and the insurance stuff has still got to be sorted.

Uneventful journey time now.............yes it was but on arriving couldnt find anywhere to park and after circling and attempting a couple of places tried to turn round in a very small place and have bloomin smashed the corner of my front bumper grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Mondeo bumpers are like eggshells and sound like it wneh you break em. The bumber at front sticks out about 6 inches beyond the bonnet and there was a gate with a wall and reckon that the bottom part of the wall that I couldnt see had a sticking out section and I gently hit it, So now have taped up the injury and it will just have to do cos cant afford a new bumper......I am not happy with myself at all!

I was by then already 10 mins late and worried about getting Franta into the vets so guess I wasnt concentrating well enough, although the road was a dead end and so narrow, which hadnt realized ti I had turned in. I should have just driven into the college or thriough that gate....................but hindsight is wonderful grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #557 on: February 23, 2009, 12:28:37 PM »
Best of luck today -  :hug: :hug:

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Frantas change in behavior - seems to be seizure free again :)
« Reply #556 on: February 23, 2009, 11:35:59 AM »
Let us know how it goes today  :hug:
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