Sorry just rushing through cos need to get Franta upstairs and go to bed.
Was hoping abs would kick in today but he has had 3 attacks the last one around 2230, I was hoping it wasnt gonna happen cos we were way past the time i expected and 11 hours since last attack.
I hope this means we may get through the night without one and maybe they are getting further apart.
Am wondering if he was given bigger doses at the vets the last time at the beginning cos he was much worse then than he has been this time but he is still having the attacks and he eats loads after everyone, and also between.
I feel so sorry for him and he was sitting next to me aqnd I heard a growl.......had forgotten thats what used to happen the first time....and then it srated, so he can feel it coming.
I think he was maybe partially blind after but not for long but he is just out of it and it takes a long time for him to recover and he stays in one place.
He is lying down in the front room at present and I need to get him back upstairs.
Shut me, him and ducha in bedroom last night with food and litter tray, but sleeping with the bedlight on is hard. He had an attack about 0230 and then the next an hour after his jab around 1115 this morning. So he has had 3 attacks every day for 3 days now.
Not sure the abs are working