Well, Franta is the naughtiest cat I know!!
The good part is that he has not had another seizure since 1630 yesterday
The bad part is that he made me lose two injectins this morning and we had to go to the vets to get it done, so one very very stressed ranta and injection nearlt 3 hours late.
I do hope that his good progress isnt going to be affected by today and bring back the seizures.
He slept on my pillow most of the night but still feel like I have had no sleep.
I didnt like the vet today and he is the emergency vet tomorrow and tonight, so do not want to have to go back tomorrow.
What he did say however is that he wonders if Franta is epileptic and I asked him why then doesnt Franta have seizures all the time without months of breaks. He said that seizures can come in clusters like with Franta and if it happens again then blod needs testing.
It was tested the first time and nothing showed but maybe not the right test, I know Rachel was also testing BP and for diabetes, cos of the eating but all was OK.
Its so hard to know what to do because the marbocyl seems to work each time, but would he be the same without it? I dont think I am prepared to watch and wait through days of seizures that could kill him, rather than use the marbocyl when he seems to get better. I dont know if the two vets I have seen since Rachel are just parrotting what she said rather than thinking for themselves as the vet this morning did,
I cant remember if Rachel mentioned epilepsy cos at the time we were note calling his attacks seizures but they are without doubt and only I have seen the full force of them.
I have very painful claw damage to the palm of my right hand from yesterdays episode ouch ouch.
I think that Franta is being naughty cos he is feeling better and if we can get through to 24 hrs without another seizure then think we maybe coming through this one. He is quite dodery on his legs and his head movement is a bit stiff, that could be from yesterday cos he may have strained his neck a bit.
Think he needs to sleep now and trying to keep him away from top of the stairs..........sigh