Hi, i have just started a new job on monday, the bloke that had the unit a few along had been feeding & sheltering 3 or 4 cats.
I got told there are a lot of ferals hanging around the estate, but the ones i am on about (seen 3 today, bless them) have now been left to fend for themselves.
The bloke had fed & sheltered them over the years, so they have become a lot more dependant on the human feeding them & keeping them warm.
As far as i have been told the have been neutered by CP previously, and now a lady who is involved with CP will come n put food opposite for them.
Where i work (animal lover & own cats) can't do anything for shelter in our unit, as we work upstairs, but have a seperate business (a diner) downstairs,
and against health & safety.
One of the cats this man as feeding & giving shelter got killed on the road next to the unit, as they just wander about, when other feral's on the estate stay away till its quiet at night.
As you can imagine, i found it upsetting to see them hanging about the unit door, when its all shut up
Especially when we had snow n sleet yestetday, heavy rain last nite & its frezing cold again tonight.
Can anything be done to help these few?
I am going to take them food tomorrow & see how close i can get to them.