A message from my Fur-babies......
"Hawwow purr-pals!
Iz Co-co Louie and Felix ere........
I wun a say sowwy for my sheesin, oz Louie fur wen up me noooseee!! (love Coco)
" Wha.... Wha appen dude, I woz ashleep agen!!!!" (love Louie)
"h....h.....h.....h.....ello pwitty girl kitties.......... Im........ im........ Felix.......... (he is a very scared cat,hence the gaps!)........ I woz wondrin.......... I thwink.. I rwant Jess (purrrrrr) az ma fwrend....... iz dis ok...(puuuurrrrr) an.... an......an i thwink Dinah Baby iz....... iz .............................ahhhhhhhhhhh
" (love Felix!!!!)
I showed felix the laptop screen while on Jess and Dinah's pics, he looked like i stuck him in front of the mirror when he saw Jess,
he was shocked!!!!!
(mind you it doesnt take a lot)
Then he was all Puurrrry and was knocking himself on the side on the laptop when he saw Dinah...........
Felix is in love everyone......!!!!