Hi everyone, I really need advice
My parents have decided to plan well in advance for my birthday (October) and are buying me a pedigree cat (or at least paying most of the money) they also want me to have something to look forward to with being ill for over 4 months now, so I am to get said cat after I get all clear from Doctors.
The reasons I have to wait so long are: I need my medical results back from Neurologist etc, we need to finish the work on the house and the cat pen and as bad as it sound we have to see how the dogs health is doing, Max is having more heart and skin issues and we may lose him fairly soon. I am getting a pedigree as the rescues here won't rehome to an indoor only/enclosed patio environment so will look at either pedigree rescue or buying a ped kitten.
Anyway I have decided that I want a longhaired cat as I love grooming animals, I find it relaxing for both me and them and I bond on a very special level, my Spaniel can't be groomed much now due to his skin condition but before I would lavish time on him for it, and I still do on the clear patches.
The breeds I am interested in are Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Raggdoll and Birman... I may get a bit of flack for this but I don't particularly want a Persian, don't dislike them, just not after one.
So anyhow, I have to put together a portfolio on each breed including good points and bad points, figuring out which are most likely to get on with intellingent Indy and mousie Misha, personality traits that make them stand out and I need peoples experiences with their own cats, so any info is gratefully received.
I already know that both Indy and Misha like meeting new cats... we had a break in by random cat the other day and we found all 3 playing together quite happily...
anyway thanks in advance