Author Topic: Calling all Cats Protection People  (Read 3018 times)

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2009, 18:39:43 PM »
Again not national - Ron at Lost Cats in Brighton?

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2009, 18:27:44 PM »
Celia Hammond or battersea, not national but well known

Offline Indys Mamma

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2009, 18:01:13 PM »

a random question I know... but does anyone know of a national cat charity that is *not* cats protection? the reason I ask is I have found a literary agent who is willing to help me out and loves the idea of 'real life' stories with each book and he is shopping around for illustrators for me who could continue in the style I have started.

However he has said that if I do put these real life stories then I *must* actually use the rescue charities logo, as this is then proof to the public that I am doing this with their blessing, I have permission from Dogs Trust, Wildlife Trust and Rabbit Rescue (a Northern rabbit charity) are getting back to me soon, but Cats Protection have said no, even though if these do make it past an editor into publication I aim for 1/4 of the profits to go to the rescues mentioned (and logos used)

So is there anyone else? or should I approach RSPCA or Blue Cross? if all goes well the first 4 books will be going to various publishers for approval in 4-5 months and I need to have the permission all sorted by then, as I have to get a publisher to acctept it then through them the legal documents regarding the charities share of any money are made


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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2009, 06:13:05 AM »

What a beautiful story, with a great moral too.
fingers crossed the messages your books hold will influence animal lovers for the good.
If the little generation have these messages from young ages, then hopefully when they are old enough to have animals of their own they will not only think about neutering, but also to save a furbaby who doesnt have a forever home instead of buying a kitten who is cute enough to find a home easily.

Congrats again Hun,


Offline Indys Mamma

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2009, 01:44:07 AM »
first set of illustrations (need colouring)

now I sleep

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2009, 23:29:23 PM »
I love that story.    ;D

I was brought up that rescue centres were where you went to get pets - and that they should always be "done" (I didn't understand what 'done' mean of course, but, done they all were...).

Whereas I had friends whose parents believed that rescued animals were 'dirty'   >:(  and that it was 'unnatural' to have them spayed / neutered.   >:(    >:(

Maybe with access to a story like that it might have got the right message through!

Offline Indys Mamma

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2009, 21:47:12 PM »
now obviously that is spread over about 15 pages with illustrations so a neat little story book for either bedtime stories or for slightly older children to read themselves

Offline Indys Mamma

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2009, 21:44:55 PM »
any and all successful 'mum' stories gratfully received, my email addres is kiddy.kat(at)

here is the first story to give you the idea

Safe and Found
Finding a Forever Home

© Catherine Hepburn 2009

Kitten Capers (Book One)

Peter stood back with a smile, looking at the new sign on the building. He was very proud of his new rescue centre.

“That’s it Jess, the Safe and Found rescue centre is now open for business, now we can help so many more animals in need of a forever home!” he said to his best friend, Jessica.

Safe and Found is a new place where animals with no home can go so people can come and see them. Then they can go to new homes forever and ever.

“Peter” said Jess, “I think we have our first animal here”

A man walked in carrying a large cardboard box with holes in it.

“Can I help you?” asked Peter.

“Yes, my cat is going to have babies and we don’t want them,” said the man, and he put the box down with a thump and walked back out the door.

Peter opened the box and inside was a pretty brown and white cat with a very round tummy.

“Poor baby” said Jess, “I’ll go put her in a pen and you can call Sam the Vet so he can check her over” and so Jess took the pretty cat to a nice warm pen and a big bowl of water while Peter called Sam to come and make sure she was ok.

Sam the Vet walked into Safe and Found and saw Peter and Jess at the desk.
“Hi, you said someone left a cat with you, you think she is going to have some kittens?” Sam asked them with a smile.

“Yes,” said Peter, “We have called her Mabel and she is through in the pen, I’ll bring her to the clinic for you” and Peter went off to fetch Mabel for Sam to look at.

Peter put the pretty cat on the table for Sam to look at. She sat very still and was a little bit scared. Sam felt her tummy and smiled.

“Yes, she does have a tummy full of babies, and they are quite big. She might even have them tonight!” Sam told Peter, “In fact I think I will come back tomorrow and see if they are here.” and Sam left to go back to the Vets.

Peter put Mabel back in her pen with its nice comfy bed and a tasty dinner. He left a little light on so she could still see and he went to his office to wait.

“You go home Jess” he said, “I’ll wait here and see if the kittens come tonight. I’ll phone if I need your help” so Jess headed out whilst Peter settled down to wait.

Later on that night is was very quiet in the Safe and Found rescue centre when Peter heard a loud ‘Meow’ so he went to check on Mabel. And there in the bed were four of the tiniest kittens he had ever seen! Mabel licked one of her babies on the head and purred, she was a very happy cat indeed! There was one white kitten, one black and white kitten, one brown and white kitten and one grey and white kitten. All of them squeaking as they cuddled their mum.

First thing the following morning both Jess and Sam showed up at the door very early.
“Has she had the kittens yet?” asked Jess excitedly “How many? What colours?” she bounced with excitement. Peter laughed and told her about the kittens.
“There are four of them, one white, one black and white, one brown and white and one grey and white. They are all having breakfast at the moment and Mabel is very proud of herself!” He smiled happily, their first rescued pet was doing very well. Now all they needed to do was find homes for Mabel and her kittens, after they were older of course.

Sam the vet came back through from checking the cats over.
“Jolly good there, Peter, all the babies are healthy and Mabel is doing grand. Two boys and two girls as well, in another 12 weeks they can go to new homes!” and with that Sam had to go as he had a very busy day at the surgery.

Peter and Jess looked after Mabel and her kittens well and the babies grew fast. A few days after they were born their eyes open and they began to explore the pen. Mabel was a fantastic mum and looked after the kittens very well. The kittens were also given their names. The white kitten was called Snowflake, she was very gentle and purred a lot, the black and white kitten was called Indy because he was very ‘independent’, the brown and white kitten was called Marmite and he was very clumsy and the littlest kitten who was grey and white was called Misty because she looked like a little fluffy cloud.

Now lots of other animals were brought into the Safe and Found rescue over the next few weeks, so Peter moved the little cat family into his office where it was quieter. He and Jess spent as much time as they could playing with the kittens and teaching them all they needed to know before they went on to their forever homes. They all learnt how to use the litter tray and how to eat solid food and most importantly how to play. Mabel also got to see Sam the Vet as she needed to have a special operation so she didn’t have any more babies. The weeks flew by and suddenly all the kittens were big enough to go to their new homes. Peter called Sam the Vet for one last check.

“Oh yes Peter” said Sam, “those kittens are looking very well and are certainly ready to go to their new homes. I have given them their injections today and that will stop them getting poorly, and Mabel has recovered nicely from her operation so she can go too! You will be sorry to see them go though, won’t you?” he said as he cuddled Misty. Peter looked sad as he hugged Indy.

“I know” he answered, “I think I am going to keep Indy though, he is such a little scamp and I have grown very fond of him, the others will all go through to the adoption room today, Jess is going to miss them too” Peter sighed as he looked at them, but he knew he couldn’t keep them all.

“Well,” said Sam, “if it is ok with you I would like to adopt Misty here, we have a nice big house and garden and she would make a lovely friend for Tiger, my ginger cat, I always like to have two if I can so they have company” Sam stroked Misty on the head as he spoke, smoothing her fluffy coat.

“Ok then Sam” said Peter, “if you go to the front desk Jess will give you the forms, we still have to do a home check just to be sure, but she will be ready to go home with you in a couple of days” Peter was happy that Sam was going to take a kitten, that way he knew he would get to watch her grow up.

A few days later Peter was sat in his office with Jess. Jess had Indy on her knee and she played with him, using his favourite toy mouse.

“Well Peter,” she said, “that’s Marmite and Snowflake gone to their new home, I am so glad they went together, Misty went with Sam and we are keeping Indy, and lovely Mrs Jenkins has given Mabel a new home. Don’t you just love it when the animals get a forever home and never have to worry again?” Jess smiled and threw the mouse for Indy.

“Oh yes” said Peter, “Although if Mabel’s old owner had just got her that operation then she wouldn’t have needed a new home at all! It really is for the best you know, Indy will get his operation too when he is older” Peter shook his head sadly… if only everyone got their cats and dogs one simple little operation there would be a lot less animals without their forever homes.

Peter and Jess lifted their cups of tea and clinked them together.

“To forever homes, may every animal find theirs” they said. And that is where we will leave them, until it is next time for us to visit Safe and Found!

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2009, 21:08:07 PM »
Oh, and a couple of other members of purrs adopted some of her kittens ... ;D

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2009, 21:06:46 PM »
Esther was a rescue who was pregnant when she was brought in. She was rescued by Animates which is based somewhere in Dartford or Gravesham (will have to look them up. She is not only in her forever home but is about to embark on an overseas adventure and she has a doggy friend as well ...) Denise90, a member of Purrs brought her to me!

this is her within 2 minutes of arrival - meeting Shadow

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 21:05:47 PM »
I am sure Sharon (Canterbury cats) rehomed the mum of Jerry and Gizzy - maybe she can help you??

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Re: Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2009, 20:56:59 PM »
Great idea  :)

Love your name  :evillaugh:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Indys Mamma

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Calling all Cats Protection People
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2009, 18:14:19 PM »
Hi there!

I have started writing a series of childrens stories based on rescue animals, based in a fictional rescue centre somewhere in England. I have received permission from Cats Protection head office to use the Cats Protection name on part of the books. to sum it up here is the email I have sent to Cats Protection, Dogs Trust, Wildlife Trust and Rabbit Rescue

In regards to our earlier phone conversation I am writing with the details of the childrens story books I am writing and illustrating. This project is still in the very earliest of stages but I would like to get permission from the various animal charities as soon as possible, to let me know if this is a feasible aspect to the books.

Each book is aimed at 4-8 year old children, both read to them and read by them, and teach basic animal care by following stories of a fictional animal rescue centre called 'Safe and Found' This first book is actually based on the stories of my own cats, Mabel and Indy (who feature in the book) who were abandoned when Mabel was pregnant with Indy, although they were feral when we took them in it was Scunthorpe Cats Protection that helped us catch them and helped with Mabels Spay costs. If it wasn't for the advice and physical aid from Cats Protection I doubt we would have been able to catch them in time (they were starving to death, Indy was the only survivng kitten)

The second book is based on the all too common situation of owners getting bored with the pets they bought at Christmas, especially around Easter. It also goes a bit more into making those responsible aware of their wrongdoing and working to put it right again.

My goal is to put a small section at the end of each book with a real life story similar to that in the book, where a real animal has experienced the situation but most importantly gone on to their forever home. I also wish the books to highlight real animal charities such as Cats Protection, Dogs Trust and Wildlife Trust, which is why I am seeking permission to put your logo onto these 'happy ever after' stories at the back of the books.

Although I am planning for these to go onto being published I am still in the process of writing the first 6 books required by the agent I am in discussions with, so it will be several weeks before anything definite happens, but I am sure you can appreciate that I have to offer him 6 'finished' books complete with the real stories where relevent, and written permission from the charities. Obviously I also intend for the charities named to receive a portion of the profits from the book sales in return for the use of their logos and names, however that will be discussed in more detail as they actually go to publishing/sale.

Please feel free to contact me....


Catherine Hepburn

now what I am after is a real life cat abandoned because she was pregnant, all I need are the basic details, a photo when she was rescued (if poss) and a photo of her in her forever home (again if poss) oh and rescue/rehome dates

I hope you can help me :D


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