Author Topic: Insurance question (Axa policy specifically)  (Read 2268 times)

Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Insurance question (Axa policy specifically)
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2009, 12:07:56 PM »
Well I have got Mosi sorted out.  Good price too (£73.85 - £6.15 a month) although I suspect that will increase when it's up for renewal.  I was paying more than that with petplan.  I think I will add Jaffa and then discuss with my vet what they have on record, what their diagnosis is for his recent cystitis etc. and what they would expect to be excluded and not excluded.  The question is whether I discuss it with Axa at the outset to be clear about what they will exclude and what they will cover, or whether I wait until I need to claim to argue the point.  For example, say Jaffa is diagnosed with CRF in 3 years time.  The insurance will ask when he was first seen for that and/or when he first showed symptoms.  Now Jaffa has never been diagnosed with CRF.  I'm just careful because when he had a dental a few years ago his figures were highish.  The vet said it could be down to dehydration and it was just worth checking them when he wasn't dehydrated.  So we did and the vet I saw then (different vet) didn't think anything was abnormal.  I got a copy and some of the values were highish but within the normal range.  He has never at any time been diagnosed as having kidney problems.  So I would assume, therefore, that Axa would not have any grounds for excluding that.  Its less clear cut with something like urinary crystals.  He was not blocked when he was seen by the vet in November for his cystitis.  There was no evidence he had crystals of any sort.  But if he was diagnosed with them in the future, would Axa use his cystitis as a reason for excluding them?

Tbh, the main reason I want insurance for Jaffa is for chronic conditions, eg CRF, diabetes, thyroid problems or acute emergencies like Magpie had (blood clot in neck), or if he needs expensive treatment such as an MRI scan.  I can't see any of those things being excluded because he's had cystitis once and a couple of bouts of conjunctivitis.  Or am I being overly optimistic?

Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Insurance question (Axa policy specifically)
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2009, 22:00:52 PM »
It's been more than a few months though, so I don't think that will be an option for Jaffa (and his policy has expired anyway now).  The excess was very high with petplan too, so In a way I'd rather start over with another company, but I know it will not cover everything.  The question is how much will they exclude due to the cystitis and the conjunctitivitis.  I suppose it would make sense to have a word with the vet too to see what they have written down for him regarding both conditions.

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Re: Insurance question (Axa policy specifically)
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 21:41:17 PM »
Anyway, having ticked the box, how and when do I get a chance to tell them what he saw the vet for?  It didn't ask me for any details (I expected a box to pop up or something to allow me to give brief details, but it didn't) so the only information they have is that he has seen the vet for something other than vaccinations/neutering.

You don't need to provide details, it just tells you that 'condition' would be excluded.  The string episode was a one off incident so you will be fine, Riley had a random back foot infection when he was a few months old (think he hurt it jumping off something and it didn't heal right) that was classed as a one off so any future skin infections/infections of the feet will be covered.  If you want reassurance give them a quick ring.

Unfortunately I don't think the news will be as good for Jaffa.  If I were you I'd ask to speak with a manager at PetPlan, be very nice and ask them to reinstate the policy if you pay any backdated owed premiums.  Stress you're not asking to reinstate it so you can claim, just that you want a continuation of cover.

Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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Insurance question (Axa policy specifically)
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 21:30:06 PM »
Ok, here's where I put my hand up and admit that despite my telling everyone that insurance is a must, I have let Jaffa and Mosi's policies lapse.  Basically, last year when I was financially "challenged"  :shify: my direct debit payments didn't go out and I wasn't in a position then to make the payments, so the policies got cancelled.  They have been uninsured since then.  I am, of course, looking to get them insured again.  No problem with Mosi as he is a young cat with no pre-exisiting conditions, but a bit harder with Jaffa who is older.  I will be able to get him covered with Axa though, it's just a case of making sure I and they are clear about what is and isnt' excluded.

I have just sorted out Mosi's policy online and when it came to the bit about has your vet seen a vet for anything other than routine vaccinations etc I went for total honesty and said yes.  Thinking about his op when he swallowed string the other year.  Cant' see how they can make that a pre-existing condition as it was a one off accident and they didn't even find any string in there.  Anyway, having ticked the box, how and when do I get a chance to tell them what he saw the vet for?  It didn't ask me for any details (I expected a box to pop up or something to allow me to give brief details, but it didn't) so the only information they have is that he has seen the vet for something other than vaccinations/neutering.

Once I have Mos sorted out, I am going to get Jaffa sorted.  Jaffa will be a bit more difficuilt as unfortunately he had that cystitis problem a few months ago.  So any recurrance of that will be excluded.  But no real diagnosis was made (no urine test done) and it was almost certainly stress related cystitis.  Problem is, will they exclude any FLUTD problem now?  eg, if he got crystals or something would they exclude that?  It's pretty certain he didn't a major problem before and it was sorted out very quickly with some metacam, but I am a bit concerned that they will exclude any urinary problems, including any kidney problems he might have in the future, because of it.  Then there's his gunky eye he's had on a few occasions over the years.  Conjunctivitis was mentioned a couple of times, but last time vet said she didn't think it was conjunctivitis.  But no alternative diagnosis was given and it cleared up quickly with eye drops and/or antibiotics.  I accept that cystitis and conjunctivitis will be considered pre-exisiting conditions, but how can I make sure they don't exclude just about anything for which either of those could be a symptom?


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