Author Topic: Skin problems in cats  (Read 7094 times)

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Skin problems in cats
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2009, 11:27:51 AM »
Subjects covered:

eosinophilic granuloma complex

The term eosinophilic granuloma complex refers to a group of skin problems in cats caused by inflammation at the site and often initiated and exacerbated by the cat licking the area. The term is not a specific diagnosis but a description of the signs which occur in three different forms in the cat. These are eosinophilic ulcer, eosinophilic plaque and eosinophilic granuloma. Each form has its own pattern but all three are skin reactions to an underlying cause. The skin reaction may be a minor problem which disappears as mysteriously as it appeared and may never reappear. However, it can become a persistent problem causing a great deal of tissue damage and discomfort to the cat. Owners are often (understandably) distressed by the lesions and the cat's constant licking. more on the link below:

feline acne and stud tail

Feline acne is probably more common than is generally appreciated, as most cases are mild and pass unnoticed. More severe cases, however, may respond slowly to treatment and seriously detract from the appearance of the cat. more on the link below:

feline cowpox virus infection

Cowpox virus infection is an uncommon skin condition that usually affects cats which enjoy hunting small rodents. The skin lesions resulting from infection usually disappear on their own with time. However, when a cat's immune system is suppressed by medicines or illness, then the infection can develop in a severe and generalised way. more on the link below:

fleas and cats

The most common flea found on cats and dogs is the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis). Occasionally, rabbit and hedgehog fleas may be found on cats. Using modern treatments it is now possible to control feline fleas more on the link below:

the itchy cat - what to do when it is not fleas

In recent years, a new generation of flea control products has become available which has enhanced our ability to control infestation and skin disease associated with this parasite. Drugs such as imidacloprid (Advantage), fipronil (Frontline) and lufenuron (Program), when used correctly, are able to eliminate fleas from all but the most susceptible households. Before these drugs were launched, it was true to say that the vast majority of cases of feline itch was due to fleas. It may still be true to state that the commonest cause of feline skin disease is the flea. However, there is no doubt that as a second opinion dermatologist, I am seeing fewer cats that stop itching when you apply an insecticide, and am recognising a stubborn group of 'feline skins' where a much more detailed and meticulous diagnostic approach is needed to find the more on the link below:

harvest mite infestation

Harvest mites, harvest bugs or bracken bugs are the names popularly given to the larvae of the mite Trombicula autumnalis. This six legged larva feeds on tissue fluid and may cause considerable skin itch and discomfort to both humans and cats in certain areas of the country during late summer and autumn. The large orange/yellow larvae are widely distributed in the UK and are particularly abundant on chalk upland. Heavy infestations may be sharply localised - even to the extent of being abundant in one garden and absent from others in the same village. It is also found in town gardens and more on the link below:

ringworm in cats

Ringworm is an infection caused by a fungus that grows in the superficial layers of the skin, hair or nails. It has nothing to do with worms. The scientific name for ringworm infection is dermatophytosis, and fungi which cause the disease are called dermatophytes. There are approximately 40 different species of dermatophyte, each tending to cause infection in particular species of hosts. In the cat, the cause of more than 90 per cent of cases of ringworm is the dermatophyte Microsporum canis (M canis) more on the link below:

squamous cell carcinoma

Cats are even better sun worshippers than people and most of them can lie in it all day without burning or damaging their skin. However, this is not true for some cats - like pale skinned people, cats with white non-pigmented areas of skin (often with only a sparse covering of hair) can suffer damage to the skin which can be very serious. The areas most commonly affected are the ear flaps or pinnae, the nose and the eyelids. Initially the damage to the skin will show as a pink area with perhaps some scaling and hair more on the link below:

Itchy cat

We recently adopted two 10-year old rescue cats. One of them was biting himself so badly when grooming that he was causing sores to appear. Our vet gave a steroid injection and suggested Feliway Plug-ins which we have running all the time. That was fine for a couple of months but then the behaviour started again. Is there anything we can do?.

Thank you for your query. It is really difficult to advise on your cat without seeing him; however, the signs and response to steroids is suggestive of an allergic reaction. This is very common in cats and often they are reacting to fleas. There do not have to be large numbers of fleas around and you may not even see one on your cat because he is grooming so vigiouriously and removing them quickly. However, one flea bite can set off a severe itch/scratch cycle in the cat which can lead to the kind of skin problems you suggest. Other allergens include house dust mites and even some food products. Visit your vet again and ask for more information. He or she may advise a referral to be a veterinary dermatologist. In some cases the allergen can be avoided entirely (for example, if it is a food product) and in other cases you can do your best to avoid them. However you do need to try and find what is causing the problem first so you know what to avoid. Steroids have side effects and should not be used if not required and if you can do other things to avoid the 'itch'. In some cases they are needed when symptons are severe. If possible, tablets are better than long acting injections.

Information taken from:

The information is the opinion of the writer in the link to the website provided and is not a substitute for veterinary/professional advice.
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« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 07:31:17 AM by Janeyk »
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