Author Topic: Winston has been to the vets !  (Read 9714 times)

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2009, 01:11:35 AM »
Not really up on fish as i rarely eat it .
I buy this fresh from Asda - its the dearest one but easy to cook!
I get it in a foiled sealed bag and then put in freezer -i usually get it out friday night and leave it on a plate in the kitchen overnight - its never warm in there anyway .
When i get up i just put it at the bottom of the fridge till teatime for him .
Its his saturday treat -either fish or prawns -none of the others will eat either !
I haven''t managed to "catch him in the act" tonight -but he had very clean trousers when he came back -so heres hoping !
He also came and played with his cigar in the room tonight too.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2009, 23:50:43 PM »
I always stick the fish in the microwave to thaw if I need to thaw it, some is best cooked from frozen.

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2009, 20:24:25 PM »
Maybe i will take it out and give it to him tomorrow , just to be on the safe side .
Thats why i wondered if prawns would have been ok -if there is only a few -they would thaw before i went to bed.

Offline Topsy Turvey

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2009, 20:14:25 PM »
Under the cold tap would be lower than room temperature. 

Here is another quote from Safe Handling of Fish:-

Thawing: While freezing fish quickly keeps more cell walls intact, the opposite is true for thawing. Defrost gradually so cells are disturbed less and fewer juices leak out. The best way to thaw is overnight in the refrigerator. Avoid thawing at room temperature. If you must thaw fish quickly, here are safe options: seal fish in a plastic bag and immerse in cold water for about an hour, or microwave on the "defrost" setting, stopping when fish is still icy but pliable.

If you are not comfortable with either water or microwave honey then I don't know what else to suggest.

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2009, 20:05:30 PM »
Well -it says not to thaw at room temp !!!
I have always took mine out the fridge still in wrapper and left overnight in the kitchen - its cod loin fresh that i buy and then freeze it till i need it .
I don''t eat it at all ,but Winston loves it .

Offline Topsy Turvey

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2009, 20:02:15 PM »
This link might help BC

I've thawed this way before and lived  :evillaugh:

Hope Winston enjoys his fish x

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2009, 19:58:20 PM »
Yes - i hardly ever use it for thawing though -i usually take his fish out fri night ready for saturdays tea.
Its not a marvellous one ,but it works okay - it always seems to part cook when thawing thats why i dont use it for that.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2009, 19:56:14 PM »
Do you have a microwave?

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2009, 19:53:01 PM »
I thought the other fish would be okay as he has that every saturday -its in the freezer though and still frozen - i could get it out and give him that tomorrow - i just thought prawns would thaw tonight and he could have some before i went to bed .

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2009, 19:50:32 PM »
I dont know if prawns are rich but the other fish should be OK.....mine dont touch real fish or prawns..........sigh

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2009, 19:47:26 PM »
Well, i tried to follow Winston when he went outside to go to the loo ( he hates being confined and using a litter tray -as he is already stressed at the moment i have let him out ) - as he realised i was following him ( with a torch !) he shot off and went in someones garden , luckily no-one was in so i followed him - he only had a wee !
I waited, followed him and then he shot off like a bat out of hell with me following ! But , he ducked under a neighbours gate ( one of his favourite toilet places !!) and into her back garden - well, i couldn''t do that and debated climbing the fence - but as she was in and her back light would have comeon -i decided not to .
He came back after about 15 mins and i checked his trousers and they were clean - so hoping its cleared up .
His ears aren''t warm .
I also mixed some of this food in with some felix and he ate a few mouthfuls -but theres no fooling him and he left most of it !
I have a piece of fish in the freezed ( usually as a saturday treat ) - i could get that out and cook it for him or thaw a few prawns - but will the prawns be too rich !?
Talk about mad catwoman running behind cat , in the dark with a torch shining up his back end, in neighbours gardens  ! :rofl:

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2009, 17:52:26 PM »
A bland diet of chicken or white fish would do the same thing as i/d and he would actually eat it!

Offline sheryl

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2009, 16:43:03 PM »
Wishing Winston a speedy recovery  xxx - our vet explained to us that antibiotics can make the runs worse until the course is finished ? Start the Lacto B once his Anti biotics are finished.
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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2009, 16:29:03 PM »
Sorry to hear about Winston, sending some healing vibes that hes soon back to normal  :hug:
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Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2009, 16:07:31 PM »
Thanks- just felt his ears and they are a bit warm -but he is in his igloo with a reflectabed inside -so its very warm and cosy inside it.
He doesn''t appear ill in himself -he still wants to go out, eat and drink- just waiting to see how he goes tonight .
Hopfully when he had had the last tablet and the injection from yesterday -surely his temp will go back to normal !?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2009, 15:51:01 PM »
104 is a high temperature and not just up slightly!

If his ears feel hot and he hasnt just been lying against a radiator or something, thats a good way of telling if they have a temperature.

I hope that when the package arrives it will be normal  :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2009, 15:25:36 PM »
Sorry - couldn''t get online at all last night from 11pm -tried till 2am but nothing !?
They are doing roadworks at night on the A46 a couple of miles away from 8pm till 6 am -wonder if that had something to do with it ???

Winston is still well in himself, he was given the id as he has had the runs for over a week -i tried pro kolin, weetabix , and then at the vets he had 2 injections and antibiotics -but i took him back as after 3 days of tablets he still had it .
Anyway, he said to keep on and finish the tablets ( last one tonight ) give him this food ( which must be quite expensive as the bill was more than thursday -and this time he only had another antibiotic injection and the food !) .
His temperature was up slightly 104 .
He ate some of the food yesterday tea-time but hasn''t touched it since .
I did give in early hours this morning and gave him some biscuits and this morning i mixed it with a bit of felix and he ate some of that too .
He now hasnt been for a poo since yesterday morning - i have to watch and see how it is !!
He prefers to go outside-doesn''t like the tray - so i may be following him down the road into the neighbours with a torch later to see what he does !!!

Offline candyshandy

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2009, 23:19:01 PM »
Winston now has decided he isn''t going to eat any more of the food the vet gave me !!
He is walking about and being a ginger whinger !!  i have moved the biscuits so he can''t eat them and all thats down is the whiskers supermeat for the rest of them - i have given it to him several times since coming back -but he wont budge - i suppose i have to be cruel to be kind here as he is supposed to have this for 5 days !
I tried it on my fingers and he half -hearted licked it and then walked away - when i first gave him it -he seemed to like it - knew he wouldn't be that good !

Bam Bam was given this food last week as the vet thought he had colitis too.

He wouldn't touch it so I gave in and gave him biscuits.  He has been absolutely fine since.  I was giving him salmon oil supplements and looking back they were obviously just a bit too rich for him.

I gave Bam Bam just a few biscuits every few hours so he didn't gorge on them.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2009, 23:15:04 PM »
I would allow him to eat anything he wanted, cos something is better than nothing.

Why was he given Id diet?

Offline Topsy Turvey

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2009, 23:12:24 PM »
Hugs and vibes for the lovely Winston x

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2009, 22:35:11 PM »
Awwwww come on Winston, eat up now

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2009, 21:43:10 PM »
Winston now has decided he isn''t going to eat any more of the food the vet gave me !!
He is walking about and being a ginger whinger !!  i have moved the biscuits so he can''t eat them and all thats down is the whiskers supermeat for the rest of them - i have given it to him several times since coming back -but he wont budge - i suppose i have to be cruel to be kind here as he is supposed to have this for 5 days !
I tried it on my fingers and he half -hearted licked it and then walked away - when i first gave him it -he seemed to like it - knew he wouldn't be that good !

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2009, 19:56:27 PM »
Fingers crossed he picks up soon  ;D

Poor FiFi, they are so good at hiding things for ages arent they!  ^George^ had bad teeth but he never had them sorted as his illness took him from me, the vet wouldnt operate whilst we didnt know what was happening  :( felt very guilty he went with a less than perfect mouth. They are all treated to regular mouth checks now  :evillaugh:

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2009, 17:50:43 PM »
Hope his temperature comes down soon and the runs get sorted out  :hug: By the way Lacto b is best started after the course of antibiotics is finished.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2009, 17:31:53 PM »
Lots of healing vibes to Winston  :hug:

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2009, 17:16:25 PM »
Yes , he is pretty good - he moans a lot ! but usually can lend me it in the end -if not the vet is good too and would let me pay it off in installments .
Just hoping Winston picks up and its nothing serious  :scared:

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2009, 16:16:47 PM »
it always seems to go like that doesn't it - hope you can come to some arrangement with the vet or your brother (who sounds very good!) 

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2009, 16:14:46 PM »
update- Took him back today and he now has a temperature of 104 .
He has had another antibiotic injection -carry on with tablets for another 2 days and some prescription food -hills id wet - luckily he ate some when i opened it - i had my doubts as he is fussy !
Toook FiFi with me to get her microchip details and a checkover -her teeth are in a bad condition !- she is going back next wed to have them sorted out - one back one is a real mess and going into her gum funny !- poor little girl !
I will then be in debt to either my brother or the vet next week as i am skint again after paying out almost £80 for Winstons 2 visits- even spent my birthday money at the vets now !
 2 are also due their boosters end of Jan , car tax in March , mot in April - where does it stop ??

Please can you send some healing vibes for Winston please - fingers crossed its just a bug and nothing serious.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 17:14:37 PM by bunglycat »

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2009, 22:27:48 PM »
I must admit it suprised me and he let out a cry - poor boy ( thats why he had a job getting the worm tablet down him -he was stressed after that ) -he gave him 2 - 1 anti-inflammatory and 1 anti-biotic .
I may ask to see the other vet tomorrow -the one i usually see ( he isn''t there so much though as i think he must be due to retire soon - he is over 60 i think )
I feel a bit bad asking for my usual one as the other saw him thursday and i spoke to him today too.

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2009, 21:28:29 PM »
Hmmmmmmm I dont like it when they do that, Kocka was given one and by the time I walked to the station she was almost paralized.........I think it had been given too deep

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2009, 21:25:05 PM »
He gave him it about half way down his back  :shocked:

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2009, 21:23:22 PM »
Hope that Winston can be helped tomorrow  :hug: :hug:

Tell the vet to be careful with injections cos most dont hurt if they are given properly.

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2009, 21:18:13 PM »
Thanks for that information - i am taking him in tomorrow afternoon- he said to try and get a sample if poss- only trouble is i will have to follow him when he goes out !- he always goes to the same 2 gardens to the toilet or sometimes in the leaves outside my front garden !
That will be fun !- he also doesn''t like it if you follow him -he is a funny one !
I have given him some lacto b in his food today.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2009, 19:05:21 PM »
Stomorgyl are metronidazole but sugar coated if i remember rightly so much easier to give, metronidazole is a good allround antibiotic, my lot had it when they had diarrhoea.

When you go to the vets next ask them to clip his trousers, it will make everything alot easier  ;D

Other thing worth doing before labelling as IBS and using sensitive diet foods is to get a sample tested, could be a simple bacteria that just needs the right antibiotic.
Also worth keeping in mind that some tummies are very sensitive to antibiotics so that could make his runs continue even if the bug has gone

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2009, 15:04:36 PM »
I have spoken to the vet today and he said to bring him back tomorrow -he wants to feel his tummy again and probably change the tablets - said it could be similar to IBS in humans or colitis . He is only going once or twice a day , but i have to wash down all his trousers afterwards - poor boy.
He isnt ill in himself though .
I put some of the Lacto b in his food today - do you use a full scoop ? I used 1/2 just to be on the safe side .

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2009, 09:42:55 AM »
Just saw this thread and sorry to hear about Winston.  In answer to last post, I'd speak to emergency vet today to calm your fears esp about the antibiotic.  Before you do, suggest you write a few notes to ensure you cover everything.  On the heart murmur, my initial reaction was surprise at another pud having this condition as seems to crop up frequently. Then I saw Sam's post.

Ahh poor Winston  :hug:  I wouldn't worry too much about the heart murmur as they are surprisingly common in cats.

I wish I had known this when our Tom was diagnosed with a heart murmur. It was a worry in the back of my mind for years.

 :hug: to you both. It's always more of a worry at weekends when normal vet closed

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2009, 03:16:33 AM »
I have been giving the tablets to Winston friday and saturday  and he still has the runs !
I have googled the name of the tablets ( stomorgyl ) and it says these are for oral problems !? I am wondering if these are the right tablets he has given him ?
He said his tummy was bloated - nothing said about his mouth !?
I thought after the injections and 2 days of tablets he would be a bit better - i am getting really worried now!
I think i will ring the vets ( not open sundays , but someone may be able to ring me back and give some advice ) later on today ( 3am now , so better not ring yet )
He isn''t poorly in himself , still playing , going out and eating and drinking .
I got the Lacto b today -  shall i start him on that -or wait till he has finished these tablets /rung the vet !?

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2009, 23:38:36 PM »
He isn''t usually quite so bad -but obviously the injection hurt him so he freaked out a bit after that !
Hope he is ok tomorrow -starting his antibiotics in the morning -2 per day.
Bungly is a little sod !- she can pretend to swallow and hold a tablet for ages and still spit it out later !!
Smartie is an angel , open mouth , shut mouth , tablet gone ! good job as he has 1 a day and has been on various tablets most of his life for one thing and another !!

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Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2009, 22:25:50 PM »
Pleased you got him to the vets before it was too bad  :hug:

I have worming spot on put on at vets for my tablet spitters  :rofl: :rofl:

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  • Slave to: Pandora , Cody, Smudgie , Blueberry , Angel and Merlin . RIP. Ginny B , Winston , Smartie, Bungly and Sophie and Fifi
Re: Winston has been to the vets !
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2009, 22:19:54 PM »
Well the thing is - he didn''t seem ill in himself - still playing , going outside, eating and drinking as normal and usual lots of kisses and cuddles - but it is a good job i took him.
Also ordered some Lacto B -should be here tomorrow hopefully.


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