Well, just back from the vets. Cab fares £20, consultation fee £27.50. Vet states that he has no idea what's wrong with my cat. Vi, my neighbour, came with me because I can't manage a Dot-in-the-box and crutches - she has also had an appointment to discuss her cat with him and he was equally useless then, apparently. We showed him the notes on Tritrichoman Foetus and by a strange coincidence, an article on it that Vi found in January's Cat World but he said he had never heard of it and therefore totally dismissed it - he doesn't know what she's got, but it ain't that! I had met this vet before and had specifically asked not to see him this time, so I wasn't best pleased. I may make an appointment with the other vet, who is great but I think Dot and I will just have to try and tough this one out. We will try the trial packs from Arden Grange (v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y) and see what happens then.
Thanks to all who responded and if anything else comes to mind, please let me know!
C. (and the skwitty one)