Author Topic: Continuing problems with Charlie UPDATED WITH PIC  (Read 8712 times)

Offline Leanne

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2009, 09:02:24 AM »
Oh Chrissie I know how much you love Charlie and how hard you have worked with him and others to give him a happy life.

See what the behavourist says and take it from there  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2009, 08:58:02 AM »
When I kept him indoors for four weeks prior to the cat proofing he really wasn't bothered or stressed and showed no urge to go out at all.  It is definitely the pull of that field I have been really keeping an eye on his behaviour etc.

I can't help thinking that that might be an answer.  It does seem that his behaviour is down to frustration of knowing the field is there and being able to see and smell it but not get to it.  Keeping him completely indoors my seem like curtailing his freedom even more, but it may make him a bit happier if the lure of the field is reduced.  But I would not pre-empt the behaviourist but will be interested to find out what she says.  Try not to feel too bad about it.  You have done loads for Charlie and all with his best interests at heart  :hug:

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2009, 08:02:34 AM »
What an awful situation to be in and I do hope you can sort something out  :hug: I do take it the vet has checked his health, as hyperthyroidism can cause very restless, eratic behaviour. 
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2009, 02:08:17 AM »
I just love Charlie and I think you should not pre-judge what the behaviorist might say.

I think its that Charlie kniows what is out there rather than he can hear and smell things, he is just a born wanderer and now he is safe in the garden , I would not allow him to raom again.

Concerning the coroner virus, Ithink your vet is being a bit over the top and if another cat had a flu jab, it should be Ok. I believe the really worstcase scenario would be that a cat could catch FIP from a cat who is shedding the corona virus......please correct me someone if this wrong info.

However that really is a worse case scenario and all the bits of the puzzle would have to be in place. Its a most unlikely thing to happen.

My brother has a cat who also carries the corona virus and he had been a neighbourhood wanderer and player with all other cats in the neighbourhood before this was known. My bro went to saee all the other cat owners and known were worried and since then my brother took on a kitten and none of the other cats or the kitten have got ill.

Its one of those things where a little knowledge is maybe a bad thing and in most cases there is absolutely no worry.

Charlie maybe missing other animal company and could it also be that wildlife that used to be able to get into the garden cant anymore cos of the catproofing.

He is still a very young cat I believe, around 2yrs? and there sounds like there is a lot of kitten in him still. You have looked after him so well and its so sad that he is breaking your heart. Wait and see what the behaviourist suggests and then maybe something silly will actually sort things out. I do hope so  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2009, 23:54:29 PM »
No advice I'm afraid, just a  :hug: Charlie has to be one of the most 'spoilt' cats on Purrs (in a good way), he is so lucky to have you  :hug: Really hope the new behaviouralist can offer some help.  With my catproofing I have no high areas for the boys to sit on (too paranoid about it beng a launching pad!) and they have never once even tried to jump up the fence, maybe it's different as they don't know what's on the other side of the fence but Charlie does?

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2009, 22:57:17 PM »
He is usually an angel at night.  Sleeps through til 5 or 6 am though I sometimes hear him partying with his toys.  He will be calm for a while now as he has exhausted himself and got it out of his system.  I do ignore most of it but it is difficult when he is trashing the kitchen as he has got his foot stuck in the toaster and the grill at the top of the cooker extractor hood! I tend to just go in and put everything back whilst ignoring him.  I just try to play with him to distract him from the behaviour and channel his energy into constructive use of his leisure time! The strange thing was Kate that when he was a housecat for the four weeks between me discovering he was crossing the road frequently and the garden being catproofed he never made any attempt whatsoever to get out, never went near the cat flap, quite happily sat on the dining room window watching the garden and birds etc.  I think it is because when he is outdoors he can smell and hear things on the field.  There are birds, foxes, squirrels, mice etc and as cats have fairly acute hearing I am certain he can hear stuff.  He can certainly smell it as he is always sitting with his nose in the air facing the field and sniffing away.  My neighbour (who has two cats who used to cross the road but are getting a bit old to now and who has lost two cats to the road) said she wishes they would build on it.  Wouldn't change the situation with the road but might make it less tempting?  Anyway see what tomorrow brings.  Big hugs to you and the Swampster xx

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2009, 21:56:13 PM »
I so so hope that the behaviourist can come up with helpful ideas and solutions asap. Hopefully your vet will tell her it's urgent? Keeping him entirely indoors may be an option, but he would take time to adjust during which he may have more manic episodes. I was reading up on manic behaviour today and they say be careful not to inadvertently reinforce it by making a fuss of them while they are upset - although personally I have no idea how I could ignore him if he was terribly upset and unhappy?!
I'm so sorry Chrissie, I hope he's calm right now and that you have a peaceful night - is he calmer at night at all? sending lots & lots of love xxxx  :hug:

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2009, 21:31:54 PM »
Thanks for the response Deb.  The "tree" is actually a cat tree we made for him on advice from the vet/previous behaviourist as he was being tormented by neighbouring cats and needed to be able to elevate himself.  Even if he couldn't see the field he could smell and hear it from where we are.

The vet said  not to get another cat as Charlie could infect it and if it already had it there could be problems.  I was too worked up when I was talking to her to take it in properly so this is something I will discuss with the behaviourist.

The thing is is behaviour scares me half to death sometimes as I think he is having some sort of brainstorm.  There are three distinctive personalities, the sweet and loving cutie pie (which we don't see too much of nowadays), naughty playful Charlie and then this other Charlie who is like something demented.  It is difficult to explain - my daughter was shocked when she saw him and she hasn't seen him at his worst.  I have tried to video it as requested by the vet but it is almost impossible as he is so fast and skitty.

I am truly at my wit's end with him, I have tried everything I can possibly think of to help him settle, everything I have read in books, everything the vet has said but I am absolultely certain that the pull of that field (all of us who have cats in the avenue detest the field, well not so much the field as the road) is at the bottom of it all.  He is in constant conflict, smelling, hearing etc and not being able to go and investigate.  

I shall see what the behaviourist says but perhaps another final option is to keep him indoors.  Doesn't seem fair to me when he has the garden etc that is safe but if it is causing him so much stress it may be that or finding him a suitable other home (which is the last thing I want to do)  I think the problem is compounded too by the fact that his behaviour makes me anxious which makes him worse.  I try not to react or to distract him but when he is in this mood he cannot concentrate on playing.  He drives himself to exhaustion, then sleeps for ages and then his mood improves until next time.  The periods between the next times are getting shorter though.

Offline lucky and jj mum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2009, 21:27:33 PM »
Oh Chrissie I'm so very sorry you are so upset over Charlie, I can understand why. But no way feel you are to blame for the way he is, all you have done is for his own welfare. I know how much you love him and you would do anything in your power for him, which you have done in the past and are still doing.
You speak about the thought of perhaps re homing him, although he may be away from fields I wouldn't think he would stop roaming. I do hope and pray it doesn't come to that and this lady who will be coming to your home can give you the help you and Charlie so desperately need.
I'm sorry I cannot offer any advice, please try not to get too low you are doing more then a lot of people would do to help Charlie. I'm sending you a huge   :cuddle:  You been there enough in the past for me when I've needed a shoulder, wish I could do more for you now.
Let me know how things go.
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Offline Debsymiller (Rufus' mum)

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2009, 21:08:16 PM »
I am sooo sorry you're going through all this. I really do hope the behaviourist vet can come up with something that may help.

Well maybe if a feline friend is the answer, could you not get another cat that carries the corona virus? I know very little about the virus so forgive me if I'm being silly but surely that could be a posisblity as they wouldn't be able to pass it on to each other as they already have it and Charlie could be stimulated by rough and tumbles all day.

If he carries the virus, surely he needs to be an indoor cat so as not to pass it on to others? Again, I know very little about it so sorry if that's wrong. If it's not the case and he's not going to pass it on then surely you could get him a friend that does or doesn't carry the virus.

Also... just a thought but if he is tormenting himself, up in the tree staring at the field, could you not cut the tree down a bit so he can't get high enough to see it. Although it may not sound great, he phrase 'out of sight, out of mind' comes to mind and may make him happier in the long run.

Again, I don't know if any of this helps but just trying to offer some thoughts.


Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2009, 21:00:39 PM »
MM no he hasn't been retested.  Two reasons really I don't want to put him through the stress of having his bloods taken as he has had so many vet visits this year with one thing and another plus has been spayed and has had his ears washed out.  Secondly I am not sure I want the answer.  Wuss or what?

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2009, 19:46:45 PM »
Thanks everyone, he is now crashed out upstairs still.  Today has been one of the worst yet.  Liz yes he has Feliway both the plug ins and the spray and has been on Zylkene for months.  I play with him for about four hours a day (not all in one stretch) to make sure he gets loads of exercise, can let of his steam and can play hunt.

When I kept him indoors for four weeks prior to the cat proofing he really wasn't bothered or stressed and showed no urge to go out at all.  It is definitely the pull of that field I have been really keeping an eye on his behaviour etc.

I have to wait until tomorrow as Sarah Heath's practice has been closed over the holidays and will re-open tomorrow.  My vet said she will call her then and get back to me.

I have grown very very attached to Charlie despite the fact that I wasn't ever going to keep him at first!  The reason I didn't want to keep him was because of the road.  I could never let him roam free knowing he crosses that road.

With my others it was different.  Maddie and Guinness moved here with my from my previous house which had a very very high wall round the garden and they never really bothered about going outside the garden here.  Dragan was hit by a car on his first birthday but luckily not badly injured and survived it.  He never went near the road again.

I am really really upset about it all today
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 19:47:47 PM by Maddiesmum »

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2009, 19:29:00 PM »
Has he been retested to see if his levels have dropped as this is a possibility  :hug:

I hope the behaviourist can offer some avenues to try but ultimately if it doesnt work out you mustnt feel you failed him, you have done much much more than many people would, some cats just arent cut out for a restricted environment even one as enriched as you have created  :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2009, 19:02:21 PM »
ooh that's mellow yellow :-)

I found this one that I like as well:

hope the thing opens ok! xxxx

Offline Wibblechick

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2009, 18:34:18 PM »
there should be an emoticon for a HUGE HUGE hug xxxx
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Offline Liz

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2009, 18:31:47 PM »
I know its a longshot but have you tried feliway Plugins and a bit of rescue remedy in his water - these helped with our feral additions - the oldest had lived outside for 14 years and the younger 2 for 8 years and they have now been with us for 6 months as indoor cats

Another thing to try would be Zylkene - its a naturel drug for animals and seems to cut down the angxiety felt by cats who feel trapped.

I also have a Corona carrier in baby Beijing - her Mum Gem died from FIP in October and our vet didn't advise us to get rid of her as we have other cats so I would query that one - we have 42 others who are all fine.

Would a companion help keep him amused we tend to play with ours for several hours with the laser pen - Sky the BC killed the Da bird and Sonny got the rest of it - they were so proud of themselves.

Another thing to try is margicol tablets from the health food shop - another feral lady swears by them

We have 20 house cats the majority of them are feral and when we moved here they escaped by breaking a window and we spent 6 months trapping them all and were amazed that the 2 worst let themselves be trapped and came back in to be house cats at our choice!
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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2009, 18:24:57 PM »

I don't have much advice other than to wait for the behaviourist visit and see what she makes of the situation and what suggestions she can come up with.

If that doesn't offer solutions, then rehoming him may be something you have to think about.  Along with the possibility of letting him have free access and accepting the compromise with safety.

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2009, 15:58:39 PM »
Didn't want to read and run and cannot give any advice but just wanted to give you one of these  :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2009, 15:57:29 PM »
Oh love, I am so sorry. Please don't say that any effort you made to make Charlie safe was 'misguided' as nothing is further from the truth. Perhaps though you are right and he has to be free range or will continue to be unhappy. It's just so hard when they are super agitated and frustrated. I hope the behaviorist can come soon and that she helps - although I think you probably know Charlie better than anyone. Please don't berate yourself; you are such a lovely and wonderful mum to Charlie xxxxxxxx  :hug: there should be an emoticon for a HUGE HUGE hug xxxx

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2009, 15:52:36 PM »
I really dont know what the answer is to this dreadful dilema all i can do is offer lots of hugs and hope it can be sorted with the help of an expert  :hug: :hug:  :hug:
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Offline Wibblechick

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Re: Continuing problems with Charlie
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2009, 15:50:50 PM »
You sound like you need a  :hug: 
This isn't something Ive really had much experience with.  I had some crazy foster-cats in the past, but somehow knowing it was short-term made it easier. 
What I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE about is that you did the right think taking him in - it wasn't misguided at all. 
Since taking Mr T in Ive had (and still have) doubts as to whether Ive done the right thing.  He is a PAIN at night.  As soon as he is on his own he starts wailing and crying.  I get up and feed him a teeny bit to settle him, or fuss himand play with him, but I cant be doing that every 2 or 3 hours.  Just when I think he is settling down and we have a couple of good nights, he becomes a little  :hug: again.  I'm aware that I should probably leave him to sort himself out, but its not so easy....
I think you are doing the right thing in keeping a diary and speaking to your vet about your situation.  I will keep my fingers crossed the home-visit goes OK - when is it? 
Cant really offer anything practical, but sometimes it just helps to have someone else to talk to, doesn't it - and thats what we are all here for  :) :hug:
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Offline Maddiesmum

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Continuing problems with Charlie UPDATED WITH PIC
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2009, 14:51:55 PM »
I am sorry if this post is long and rambling but I am almost in tears as I am typing it and am at the end of my tether I think.
As some of will already know I have had behavioural difficulties with Charlie for several months now.  He saw a behaviourist (who I felt was a rip off and my vet agreed - it didn't go via her).  My vet and I have talked on frequent occasions about it.  I think the problem is that Charlie is constantly frustrated.  Where we live is a small avenue at the end of which is an extremely busy road (8 neighbourhood cats have been killed on this road in the last 2/3 years) across which is a huge field.  The field is the obvious magnet for the cats.  I live two houses away from the road.  I have catproofed the garden to keep Charlie safe.  I have spent hundreds of pounds of making the garden more interesting for him and on toys and stuff to stimulate him.  However the pull of the field is too great for me to compete with.  His behaviour is deteriorating and we now have more bad than good periods.  For instance today, he started at 7.45 this morning and has only just now settled down for a nap upstairs.  He has whirled round the place like a maniac with his hair on end and his pupils dilated and glassy.  He has been bitey all day, knocked everything off the kitchen worktop, knocked the bin over.  It is not just mad half hour behaviour I know the difference with him now.  He is desperate to get to that field, he has started today to try and escape the garden which he hasn't done for ages and everyday spends hours on his outdoor cat tree just staring across at the field and sniffing the air etc.  He is turning into a very nervous, frightened and unhappy boy.  Few are the times when he wants to pet and snuggle nowadays.  My vet is referring me to Sarah Heath who is a vet who specialises in behaviour and she will do a home visit to assess the situation.  However, I am afraid I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that Charlie would be better off and happier in a home where he can roam freely.  If you think about it, he was a stray who could come and go as he liked, he used to regularly visit 5 neighbours' houses that I am aware of and socialise with their cats.  I have taken all that away from him in my misguided attempt to offer him a loving home.  I think perhaps Charlie and I are not compatible.  I am heartbroken to be even thinking these thoughts but at the end of the day his behaviour is so bad it has reduced me to tears on three occasions now.  Not because I can't cope with it but because I can't cope with seeing him so disturbed.  I don't know why I have posted this really other than to share it with my Purrs family and get it off my chest.  I am currently keeping a diary of his behaviour for Sarah.  Another cat might have been the answer but my vet advises not to as Charlie carries the corona virus. :( one very sad and disheartened cat mummy
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 15:01:04 PM by Maddiesmum »


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