Bless him, well we have been to the vets. Simba is very very scared of people so he just doesnt move at all - easy for the vet to examine him I suppose!
And yes, he has acne
He got given an antibiotic injection that will last for two weeks that should clear up an infection etc, and I have been told to gently wash his chin in warm salty water (1/2 tsp of salt to 1 litre) everyday and make sure I dry it afterwards. If this doesnt do the trick after 10 days they will give me some hibiscus scrub or something??
I presume that once the nasty scabs and spots clear up we might be able to reduce his chin wash to every few days, but we will see.
So, mystery resolved - and I thought he was allergic to something!!
ta for the help, much appreciated.
nic x