Well first off, merry christmas everybody!!
Secondly... Me and Robin are celebrating christmas at his parents house, on the countryside, down south (small village near Lewes). His parents have always had cats, and recently lost their old lady cat (Persephone). However Ichabod (black, 9 year old) has gotten a new companion in shape of a gorgeous, tiny, black (half siamese) kitten named Selene with the most beautiful face. When we got here last night she instantly took to me, and I stayed up until 4.30am this morning with her on my lap - constantly purring. It felt like therapy - the first time I've held a cat since Jameson died.
She won't stop purring and climbs all over me (currently trying to catch my fingers as I type this) and it feels so nice being close to a cat again.
And thirdly... some good news... it looks like me and Robin will adopt BUSTER! (the stray from Blackpool that has been involved in an RTA) If all goes to plan he will come and live with us in the new year. This would be amazing, so fingers crossed.
I never thought I would (or could) say 'yes' to a cat I had never met, and admittedly I saw the appeal on the front page a few times but never properly read it. Then a few days ago I did, and felt an overwhelming urge to take him under my wings. I showed Robin and he said he would be more than happy to offer Buster a home. I e-mailed JackSpratt and told her that we want him...
I think both me and Robin feel we can offer him a safe loving home while he is recovering - we have all been through trauma recently and it sort of feels that the 3 of us would be able to help each other heal. We can possibly give him the recovery we never had a chance to give our Jameson. We can relate to what he has been through, and I think that will help us (well, me anyway) bond.
Anyway - fingers crossed, we are just sorting out the transport right now. So we'll see.
Right, I should log off (Selene is half-stretched over the keyboard pad so can't see what I am typing

Merry Christmas everybody