I agree that I think it's supposed to be tongue in cheek. Tbh, I prefer my humour a bit more cutting
I dont' think she is really criticising as trying to be humorous. Just not terribly original. I've read numerous articles like that in the past (the guardian article the weekend before was similar). Would be nice to read something a bit more original one day.
These kind of articles do tend to focus on certain aspects and conveniently ignore others. She can joke about people spending 7 hours preparing their cat, but others just brush and trim claws. But they are not as much fun to write about
She doesn't specify what human food she feeds her cats - if she's feeding a raw meat and bones diet that provides all nutrients, good on her but if not, then she is not providing a balanced diet. My only reservation about the article is that her criticism of food manufacturers (with which I mostly agree) does not come with any explanation of what she considers a good diet. Beyond the remit of the article I agree, but I'd hate for anyone to follow her lead and switch from feeding a processed (but complete) cat food to feeding human food after reading that.
Is it just me with my blinkers on, but while I would concede that the people who go to the supreme are predominantly female, I did see some men and children there too
I suppose it's also because the few breeders that I know are mostly people with children or couples, rather than the childless middle ages cat lady stereotype.