hi everyone
just to let you know how his first few days have gone,
i popped round to how he was last night and he was snuggled un his new moms arms as if belonged there
it was good to see,they had stayed up with him on his first night and he had been fine ,he settled on the sofa and slept.
he is eating well and although he has had a miss with the litter tray its early days.
i have some concerns with his back legs,they seem very weak eventhough he had been checked,if anyone has any advice on how best to bring back muscle tone it will be much appreciated.
they will be taking him to the vets but want him to settle for a bit first.
i think it may be from lying under the bush for so long.
a friend who has persions suggested giving him some raw minced lamb (only small amounts) as this would help build him up-what do you think.
i have never given raw meat to a cat before not sure if its good advice.