I was hoping not to have to take Franta back to the vets today but Rachel purrrrrsuaded me that he really needed to go.......sigh
She is not happy with the amount of food he is eating and very concerned about the good kidney if he doesnt have more antibiotics, she is worried with the little food this could cause liver problems.
So he has had another antibiotic injection but also injections of valium to try and kick start him eating again. Because he was so hyper last time she gave him a very small dose but he just wanted to leave and had no interest in any of the 3 sorts of food and spring water.
So he had to have another valium injection but still took him a long time to eat and had some ad mixed with water and eventually licked the gravy off a renal pouch, he had licked jelly of a felix pouch before he went.
The idea was for me to stay with him while he ate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all the shouting he did was...ummmmmmmm noisy! Then she wanted me to leave him for about an hour to let him sttle down and get over the wobbles that valium gave him.
So was waiting to get his liquid pain killer for the next couple of days incase his mouth is sore and he was shouting the place down, went back to see him and he was on his back legs rattling the cage door, so decided to bring him home.
Forgot to pick up some more kd biscuits grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and know that 2 mils of this liquid pain killer has cost £35 so dread to think what his bill is gonna be. Have given her back the antbiotics so hope they will be taken off the bill, but have a couple of tins of AD diet for him too.
In theory he should not have to go back, unless he will not eat or drink, in which case he will have to be admitted again! I have to ring her tomorrow to tell how he is getting on.
His xrays are off to Bristol for advice but could be a couple of weeks before they come back to the vets.
Now need to get some kd biscuits from somewhere, presumably if they are kd, they must be Hills? He is eating a few of them at a time in preference to his purina.