I think that Gillian new I wouldnt have baby shampoo lol.
He isnt quite dry and hope I got the fairy out of him.
He is very unhappy with me and he still smells a bit of bad water.
No I think he may have been chased by the visitor cat and we are under water here again and all water on the ground will smell bad.
He has just cleaned his tail end and his feet look cleen now but guess he still has to dry betwwen his toes.
Just hope one of big cats doesnt fall in anywhere cos both are headiing out of the study grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
cant imagine showering Sasa or Misa!!
Thanks Gillian for answering so quick, I didnt recognize hime he looked so bad.
I am sure he will for give me when he is fully dry and fluffy again and he has cleaned his head, cos I didnt want to get water in his ears or soap in his eyes.
My shower comes on like a power shower and very hard to control the water temperature but kept it close to luke warm and have just had to change the clothes I had on cos was soaking
He hated the hairdryer but he is fluffy and just needs finishing off by himself now.
I have never tried washing a cat before and hope I never have to again