Author Topic: Advice on rescued kitten please  (Read 20480 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2008, 19:44:44 PM »
Good luck with your move, i would keep him until you reach the UK (and then at least 4 weeks in his new home before being allowed any freedom).
If you get a new buddy make sure you have time to sort jabs out!

He may get jealous of sharing you or he may happily share his love between you and his pal   :Luv:
Generally young cats get over a new arrival pretty quickly, imo a young male of similar size would be best for roughing it with  ;D

Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2008, 19:37:01 PM »
Update on the furry magnet & advice please…
Judo is coming on great, 3.2kg’s of luv’in fun !!!

Providing nobody else is in the house he’s a boisterous mix of playfulness and affection. He makes a great alarm clock – Monday to Friday he goes off five minutes before the real thing. At weekends he waits until he detects life then starts “the procedure”,
a.   Strokes & Cuddles.
b.   Jump up and down on anything that moves – don’t scratch sensitive intermit bits!
c.   Nibble ear.
d.   No claws, gently pat ear.
e.   Small claws, pat ear slightly more firmly.
f.   Not brave enough to find out.
, end result, feeding time!  :evillaugh:

************** ADVICE PLEASE **************
I’m concerned that he’s becoming emotionally dependant.

My wife & I both work full time so he’s in the house and on his own all day. I’ve built him a really cool climbing frame, hide his food, alternate his toys etc. That said, when we get home all he’s interested in is whatever we are doing and becomes the fury magnet. His safe place is under our bed, my side, in an old climbing rope bag. Recently I’ve had a couple of days off sick, all he did was sleep next to me or under the bed until I got up.

Today he’s nearly 6 months old. We are due to move back to the UK next June. I want him to go out, have adventures and live a full life but we live near a busy road and 4 months on, we still don’t know what happened to Gizmo. Therefore, I was thinking that it would be best to keep him indoors until we get back to the UK. At which point he will be about 1 years old and it will be a safer environment.

I’m also thinking of adopting another “fury” to keep him company and give him the opportunity to be with his own feline kind.

My wife, my logical conscious, thinks that cats are by nature solitary animals and prefer their own company. Moreover, introducing another cat would create competition for attention and will most probably result in tears.

I was thinking of approaching the “adoption centre” and asking if would possible to adopt on a trial basis for a couple of weeks. If it worked then, it would be good for the adoptee and Judo. That said, if it didn’t work out then the adoptee would have been disrupted and may even miss out on the opportunity of being adopted into another family.

I would very much appreciate your thoughts and opinions please.

Many thanks & best regards,

PS. On the to do DIY project list is an indoor tree. Already got the drain pipe parts & rope – should get done soon! :wow:

Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2008, 22:26:23 PM »
You will be glad to know he is bearing up under the strain   :innocent:

Cazs says he likes her piano music - you decide!

This week, concerned he was bored, I started hiding his food  :shify: Since then, he is seems much happier and very much more alert  :sneaky:

will keep you posted,

Best regards

Offline Bryony84

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2008, 09:37:35 AM »
Judo is gorgeous! Good luck with the taming but if he isn't hissing and spitting at you at every available opportunity then I'd say you have a pretty good chance of ending up with a lovely domesticated kitty!

As far as insurance goes, I was recommended any of the policies underwritten by AXA insurance. : Casper's tripod blog and sponsorship page

Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2008, 16:48:13 PM »
Even though he likes your hand and skin grows back, you should still discourage it, as while it might be cute now, imagine how much more painful it will be when he is a few kilo's heavier!! Plus the fact he will think everyone's hand is fair game and it is a nightmare to discourage 2yo's from doing it.

Gizmo used to love a good rough and tumble. It was hilarious when she decided to give Fr Bill some rough loving during a home visit prior to our wedding. It was a good job that he was a big cat lover  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

...but of course you are right and I should discourage this incredibly endearing but naughty misdemeanour  :evillaugh:

Best regards

Online Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2008, 08:16:34 AM »
He is bigger than my 4mo foster, although he did turn up 3 weeks ago incredibly thin. Even though he likes your hand and skin grows back, you should still discourage it, as while it might be cute now, imagine how much more painful it will be when he is a few kilo's heavier!! Plus the fact he will think everyone's hand is fair game and it is a nightmare to discourage 2yo's from doing it.
Please spay your cat

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2008, 22:35:29 PM »
What does OH mean?

Sorry, OH stands for other half...

6. Already chipped. Will not let him out till he is neutered, clawing at the back door and wearing a radio tracker.

Like it  :evillaugh:

Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2008, 22:31:03 PM »
Hi, thanks everyone.

1. Hand shredding: Yeah but he likes it and skin grows back  :evillaugh:

2. Definitely stupid - he likes me!

3. Stunning markings - he has got 2 white patches, one either side of his butt :evillaugh:. I will take a photo before letting him out - a sure fire positive ID if ever I saw one!!! :evillaugh:

4. What does OH mean?

5. Skiing - South of France. 2 Hours from the slopes and 35min from St Tropez :sneaky:

6. Already chipped. Will not let him out till he is neutered, clawing at the back door and wearing a radio tracker. It sounds like we have plenty of time and he has some "home work" to do with respect to being at home and getting used to us humans ;D


Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2008, 22:07:22 PM »
Aaawwww, you lot are suckers for a cute picture arn't you  :evillaugh:

Yep  :evillaugh: He is absolutely gorgeous, stunning markings  :Luv2:

1) Sounds like a happy, healthy, well adjusted boy although I'd discourage the hand shredding!  Try blowing in his face when he does it, it's enough to startle him and make him stop without upsetting him.

2) Not sure about the weight as I didn't weigh mine at that age but he looks about the right size.

3) Think he might be stupid  :evillaugh:

4) My cats were indoor only for the first year of their lives and as a result saw a limited amount of people compared to if they'd been out and about seeing other humans.   They are very wary of visitors and will hide initially but after a while will come and investigate.  Once they've met someone a few times they recognise that they are OK and will behave normally around them.  I think your idea of getting neighbours etc round for a cuppa is a good one, it will get him used to other human contact apart from you and your OH.

5) You'll need to wait until he's neutered (and chipped) before he goes outside.  To be honest I don't think there's any rush even once he's been neutered, kittens don't have much sense so the older he is the more streetwise he should be.

Sending positive vibes for Gizmo's return  :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2008, 21:26:39 PM »
He is gorgeous  ;D

Due to their past two of mine hate other people and will run and hide until they are sure they are gone.

The other two love people  ;D

Skiing ??......where do you live?

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2008, 21:23:06 PM »
OMG hasn't he grown!  He's turned from a kitten into a proper "little cat"  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
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Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2008, 21:19:06 PM »
Aaawwww, you lot are suckers for a cute picture arn't you  :evillaugh: Ok here he is up against 2 good bench marks for scale, a shoe box lid and the lid for a tin of Roses  :sneaky:


Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2008, 19:29:19 PM »
At 4 months there isnt any need for him to go out, they should be neutered and chipped and atleast 6 months before going out for supervised visits, they are still like toddlers at that age!
If he stays timid then an indoor life will suit him, he will know his surroundings with no strange things happening and freaking him out. 4 of mine choose to be mainly indoor as they are happy and safe lounging around in bed  :Luv:
He could be a little older at that weight or just a big boy, you wont know til hes an adult.

I think we need to see pictures  ;D

In regards to strangers, he has missed out a vital stage of socialisation in his younger days, the more people he is slowly introduced to the better, dont let them force attention on him but just interact normally. He may retain a hate of strangers for life, some of my lot do! A favourite treat they can offer may win him round (taken out of his daily rations so he doesnt get fat!)

Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2008, 14:20:31 PM »
Judo’s update one month on,

1. He seems very happy. He is sleeping, running around at Mach 1 trilling his head off, trying to eat my dinner, cuddling up and purring loudly or ripping skin off my hand during playtime. :yayyy:

2. Putting on weight and growing in size. We didn’t weigh him on day 1 but I’m sure has doubled in size. He is now 2.6kg  :troll:. Is this a normal weight for a 4 month old?

3. He chases his tail, sometimes he catches it  and chews it. I thought only dogs did this, is this normal for a kitty or is he just stupid? :stupid:

4. He is petrified of visitors :Crazy:. In the past month we have had 3 visits from friends, just over for a cup of tea. As soon as they arrive he disappears and hides. Its like thinks they are going to take him away. Over Christmas we are going to stay here and keep him company but we have friends, a nice quite couple, coming to visit for a few days. We will be skiing most days so he’ll have the house to himself most of the time but for the rest of the time I don’t want him to be scared. I was thinking that in the meantime, it would be a good idea to get the neighbours over daily for cups of tea. This might get him used to human company other than me & Caz? Any other ideas?

5. He shows no interest what so ever in going out side. When I go out for a cigarette he comes and sits by the back door watching me through the glass. Given Gizmo’s first disappearance I’m not about to “encourage” him to venture out too soon, that said I do want him to live life to the full and not hide himself away for ever more. When do you know the time is right e.g. when I had a cigarette Gizmo used to sit by the back door. I would leave the door open a little and she would slowly venture in and out. After a few days she was keen to get out and about but I can’t help feeling she was not ready and I encouraged her too soon. I don’t want to make the same mistake with Judo. :where:

Thanks & best regards
PS. Still looking for Gizmo but no luck so far  :boxer:

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2008, 19:12:19 PM »
 :Luv: Judo is adorable so glad he is settling, hope Gizmo is back soon  :hug:

Keep up the good work, it will be worth it, it took our rescue cat Max nearly a year to stop his princess strops, now he can be picked up by only me  :rofl: but still likes to rip the skin from your hand if you look at thim the wrong way, that said he is a wonderful cat we just have to on our guard  :rofl:
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Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2008, 21:35:15 PM »
Woo Hoo ... sounds like Judo has finally decided you ain't that bad after all.  Now he knows that cuddles are soooooo nice I'm sure he will be begging for more and more.

Well done Andy it certainly sounds like your and Judo are bonding and I'm sure it will get better and better as each day passes.

Fingers crossed Gizmo comes back ... I've said a little prayer to St Francis for him to look out for her and bring her back safely  :hug:
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2008, 08:15:50 AM »
sounds lilke he is having a great time - lets hope Gizmo comes back soon

Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2008, 20:21:34 PM »
I JUST GOT MY FIRST PROPPER CUDDLE :evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh::evillaugh:

When I got home I fed him as usual and tryed stoking him, eating from the hand etc and got the usual response - I'm uncomfotable and twitchy but not fearing for my life  :scared:. Fustrated I just picked him up and made a fuss of him. He wringled a bit as I picked him up but then purred his head off when I started stroking him  :naughty:

Played with him after dinner as usual, then....

...a couple of hours later I popped in to see how he was doing, sleeping on our bed - which he has now declared as his own :rofl:, sat beside him and chatted for a bit then held my hand out and stroked his back, got the usual responce but he didn't run away, after a minute he came back for more!!! :innocent:  He was very insistant on "the killer back of the neck move" :sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky: Then he made the fatel mistake of showing me his belly :shify:. I think the belly rub proved a bit much today but tommorrow will be a different story :evillaugh:

I still hope and pray that Gizmo will come back or pop up :'( . If she does then I have to give up smoking - I made pact with God and now its public so I cann't go back on it :sick: If she does come back, then Judo will have the best playmate in the world that any kitty cat could wish for :Luv:

Thanks for all your help, support and advice

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2008, 18:42:04 PM »
That trilling noise is a come play excitable noise, simon uses it to entice the other boys to come wrestle him  :Luv:  Maybe a playmate is in order  :evillaugh:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2008, 14:22:11 PM »
sounds like its going well

all four of mine make different noises so maybe that is just his voice

one of mine stands on two legs and holds the bowl as I put it down so that may never change

my bengal isn't a great lover of being held but over time she has got better, the golden rule with her is as soon as she shows she wants to get down we let her down

Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2008, 14:17:14 PM »
Day 10 update:

1. Judo has been allowed full access to the house now. I've seen him downstairs twice briefly before scurrying back upstairs! His favorite hang out is either his room or ours. At night he plays loudly, darting between the rooms, purring his head off, throwing mice about and jumping all over our bed. Pretty sure the little lump is sleeping with us as well.

2. He's developed this loud sort of high pitched sheel when he get excited playing. It's like a cross between a Meow & Pur. I've never heard any other cat doing this. Is this common to kittens?

3. Food he darts to the food bowl & intercepts it before I have actually put it down.

4. He still has a problem with being stroked. After I put the food down and he is scoffing his head off, I stroke his back & between his ears. He gets a bit grumpy/nevious but is getting better. After he has scoffed half his food I leave him in peace to finish off. Actually once, he seemed to prefer the stroke to food so I picked him up & held him for about 5 minutes. He didn't struggle & seemed to enjoy it but hasn't done it since. Is this being a bit pushy or should I keep it up?

thanks & regards

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2008, 22:28:07 PM »
Hes gorgeous, and good to see he knows when calm it  :evillaugh:

Online Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2008, 18:01:30 PM »
Ah right - not sure if insurance would be worth it at the moment then, dont know what the French system is like.
Please spay your cat

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2008, 16:24:25 PM »
Ahhhhh he is gorgeous  :Luv2:  :Luv2:   
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Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2008, 14:35:08 PM »
Actually we are in South of France but we will be returning to the UK next spring so need Rabies jab to get him back to the UK on a pet passport.

I have a sneaking suspicion he is not going to approve of the weather  >:(

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2008, 11:17:20 AM »
If you have had to have Rabies jabs, then you must be in the US, whcih means our insurance advice wont be much good to you - from what I have read on US forums, insurance isn't that good over there unfortunately
Please spay your cat

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2008, 23:40:29 PM »
He is gorgeous and you will find insuarnce info on a thread currently running called the usual insurance................something lol.

If you click on all unread posts at top left, you will prob get a shock but this thread has been active in the last few mins so should be at top or botto depending which way you see Purrs  ;D

Offline andyturner

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2008, 20:26:03 PM »
IT’S A BOY!!!A SAVAGE on Sunday…
Since then, I’ve spent days rolling on my back, peering through slitty eyes & purring, trying to hand feed, playing with him, talking softly, reading in the room etc etc. The best I got was the odd paw pat when playing with his favourite toy – a toy mouse on a string.
Today, Friday, we visited the vet. We have been dreading this.
There I was with big motorbike gloves donned facing certain battle, hissing, biting, scratching etc. Then two very pretty loving girls, vet & nurse, no gloves, one handed pulled said SAVAGE out of his cage by the scruff of his neck and gave him some serious tactile loving. Spitting and hissing? No. Lots of purring? Yes.

THE BLOODY TRAITOROUS CHARLATAN!!! - Do you detect any tones of jealously? :evillaugh: They said that he was going to be a very loving and tactile kitty.

The test shows he’s HIV negative. He now has all the required jabs, microchip & passport.
Judo is due his booster jabs & Rabies Pre-inoculations check next month, I will update you on his progress.
In the meantime, 1. Who provides the best Pet insurance? 2. Does anyone have any bad experiences with any particular insurance companies?
Thank you, Best regards and wish’sAndyPS. Pics attached as a bribe for info!

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2008, 21:48:35 PM »
Ahhhh Giz is a little stunner isn't she .... sending lots of positive vibes that she will be home soon and she can teach Jubo how to be a "good kitty"  ;)
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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2008, 20:36:26 PM »
Giz Pic 3. Please note - appologies about dodgey colar editing but these pics are used for her poster. Today she has a yellow colar - in the original pics it was blue and everyone seemed to get confused about it despite the text of the poster saying yellow!

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2008, 20:32:44 PM »
Giz Pic 2

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2008, 20:31:11 PM »
Hi thanks for the advice.

Judo did not quite manage hand feeding today, & I thawted several attempts to creep around me and pinch directly fom the bowl  :evillaugh:, that said we comprimised - she got fed and a gentle stroke between the ears. Her comfort zone is down to around 1 ft. I think she has made good progress since being a wild kitty on Sunday night.

I have not got any usabe photos because I dont want to spook her with the flash. I promice to update when I do. In the mean time I will post some pics of Gizmo who is still AWOL.

best regards

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 22:47:04 PM »
I agree with Sam  ;D

One other thing is that as Judo is climbing over you to get your food you could try putting some cat food in your hand and see if he will come and eat from your hand.

Also then sorta leave your hand dangly, by a toy maybe, and hopefully he will come to you and start to rub your hand. Dont move it and dont try to stroke until he is confident and sorta pushing for a stroke  ;D

If you sit on the floor while doing this he may get brave enough to try walking on you.

For the vet visit leave some treats or a toy in the carrier and that may tempt him to go in and play or eat.

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Re: Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 22:40:58 PM »
Hi Andy,

Sorry to hear Gizmo is still AWOL ... but congrats on Jubo.  I moved your thread to this section so more members will hopefully see it and respond.

It sounds like you are doing everything right with your new addition and by the sounds of things this little tearaway just needs a bit of socialisation.

The fact that s/he is eating and playing etc in your presence and doesn't seem to mind you being in the room are all good signs that with a bit of patience and lots of TLC s/he will come round and accept you fully.  I would suggest just spending as much time in the room with Jubo as possible and let him/her get used to you.  You don't need to interact just sit in the room and listen to music, read a book, do something interesting and over time curiosity will take over and Jubo will simply have to come and investigate to see what you are doing that is so much more interesting than him/her!  :evillaugh:

With regards to the vet visit .... I would try leaving the carrier in the room until Friday so Jubo get used to it.  Just put an old towel in it and you'll probably find s/he will sneak in and play/sleep in it.

It might be worth investing in a feliway diffuser as this will also help to calm over time.  But in the meantime a couple of drops of Bachs rescue rememdy (available for all good healthfood shops and most supermarkets) in the drinking water or if you can get close enough try rubbing on the back of his/her ears as this has bseen proven to help calm stressed kitties.
I'm sure the vets visit will go OK and just keep doing what you are doing and your little one will soon learn to trust and love you.

Good luck


P.S.  You know the rules ... where's the pics?????
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline andyturner

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Advice on rescued kitten please
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 22:01:27 PM »
Hi, my cat Gizmo went missing 2.5 months ago, see post :,17955.0.html

During my search for Giz in some nearby woods, I happened across 5 houses. 2 of these houses informed me that a 3-month-old kitten was in need of home. 1st house mentioned it but the 2nd house was extremely insistent. After initial resistance, on Sunday we brought home a 2.5-month-old wild child that reminded me of Damian!

I refer to Judo as "it" because it will not be handled yet so we cannot determine sex. Judo is confined to the spare room.

Today is Wednesday & Judo, I think, is making good progress. Today judo will...
a. Eat in my presence, i.e. less than 2ft away.
b. Does not hide in its safe cage when I enter/leave the room.
c. Play with toys independently - happily
d. Play with toys with me, no contact, - happily
e. Play with toys with me, light contact - i.e. me patting it gently, - reasonably happily though still a little jittery.
f. Climbs over me to get to my dinner!

In summary, please can anyone provide any suggestions or advice with these questions? (or any other advice???)

1. I think Judo is gaining confidence and trust in me & my wife, though we both feel that "it" just needs an assuring stroke & a cuddle to completely transform it into properly domesticated cat who trusts in humans - that said we don't want to rush things and undermine all the good work done so far.

2. Judo has a vet appointment on Friday - what can I do to improve the chances of this going quietly & smoothly?

Many thanks & best regards
PS. Should she return, Gizmo still has full access to the house except for Judo's room that is kitty proof & locked.


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