Hello, well I got a new kitten about 4.5 weeks ago, and the intros went really well........ At the moment they are together whenever we are at home, but I still separate them at night.
The reason for this is that my existing cat simba (2.5yrs old) does seem to bully the kitten (she is now 5 months old) about once or twice a day - he will continually prod and nip her and chase her until she is complaining loudly (she does however complain vocally quite often - if she wants something and you take it away, or if we dont let her go somewhere she wants), and sometimes she even hisses at him, but even that doesnt seem to make him stop. He isnt in danger of hurting her as he isnt that rough, but Im not happy as it worries and upsets her. The "bullying" usually goes on for about 15 minutes and then he leaves her alone.
The rest of the time they sleep next to each other and follow each other around, and she still initiates play with him..... Im guessing (not that I have any knowledge to base this on!) that he is a little bit jealous as she is very much a lap cat, and he is trying to make sure she knows he is in charge.
I know its early days yet but what should I do when he is picking on her? He isnt being viscious as I said, but she doesnt like it. I could give him "time out" for ten minutes to calm him down, but then I worry when we do start leaving them together he will just pick on her when we arent there. Should I leave them and only intervene if he is actually hurting her?? I dont know what to do, and I wouldnt be happy leaving them alone together at the moment. I just want them to both feel happy and safe.
What to do?!?! Please help!