Today, 5yrs ago is the last time I saw my Cat called Pooh.
I remember playing with him that night and as always he slept with me that night too.
The next day 1st October i went to a funeral down in Brighton and didnt get back till vey late that night, He wasn't in when i got home and infact has never come home since.
I waited a day before starting to panic but when he still hadnt come home on the Saturday I knew something was wrong.
My Mum and Dad came over and together with my neighbours we walked across the fields and through the woods looking for him
There has never been any sightings of him.....just vanished into thin air !!
Pooh was Mummys special man, he was in love with me as much as i was in love with him. He followed me everywhere, even sat on my lap while i was on the toilet lol
If i popped into neighbours houses he would sit outside and wait for me. All my neighbours knew and loved him and they were just as upset as me when he went missing.
Love you Poohy .......Hope you are happy where ever you are
I will miss you forever xxx