Hi all. Just signed up for some help and advice on my cat. This evening I noticed my cats tail was hung down and not up like usual. When I usually stroke her from head to tail she usually lifts her tail up in the air, but she doesn't seem to be at the moment. I was slightly concerned so did some research and a lot of results popped up about broken tails. The only difference is, she can still move her tail and whatnot, it's just not as strong as usual. She's not acting any different and i've been playing with her and she's been rolling around etc fine. She's not gone off her food because I just fed her and unlike usual she'd lift her tail when I got the food out but she couldn't today. I've felt her tail and she doesn't appear to have any lumps or anything throughout the legnth of the tail. She's not feeling any pain or discomfort when I put pressure on any part of the tail either. When she way lieing down earlier with her tail close to her back legs, if I dragged her tail from her to a horizontal position i could feel her pulling it back and when I let go she could spring it back to her. She can also move the tip of the tail like usual. Could it simply be that she's hurt it? When she ran down the staris before feeding her i noticed she was lifting it off the ground, almost horizontal. it'd usually be in the air, but at least she could lift it a good amount. the tail feels really light to lift when she's standing and she does notice me holding it.
Any suggestions/advice would be great. If she's not recovered any more by the time i get back from work tomorow I think i'm going to call the vet. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Writing this before going to bed so half asleep.
here's a picture of her stance:
Many thanks,