First time on a this forum and I'm asking for advice already, sorry. I've had cats on and off during most of my life but they have all come from friends homes as kittens or young cats, and I've never had problems with any of them before. One of our current resident cats is a four month old ginger moggie called Oliver. He's fine, he's friendly and happy and social but his only problem is that he is an only cat and is going to be kept indoors. Our last two cats were both killed on the road outside within weeks of one another, and it's just too busy for cats alas. So we decided to get a pal for Oliver before he got too old and I started searching round the local cat rescues.
Last week we got Paws, a 10 month old neutered tom that had come from what sounded like a very overcrowded house, with dogs and cats and several small children. His owner had brought him and his brother in because they had too many animals and the cats were a nuisance. His brother was very much the dominant cat and was rehomed seperately. Paws seemed quiet in the rescue centre, sat when stroked and not particularly afraid of other cats or me. He wasn't forthcoming though...with hindsight he was withdrawn, I think. I just thought it was the after effects of the neutering and vaccinations, plus he was the right age, used to other cats and an indoor cat ...and he is GORGEOUS, a big fluffy grey and white cat. I brought him home.
Since then? It's like he's behind a glass wall. He ignores us. He ignores Oliver totally...Oliver is doing all the usual kitten things and trying to play. He sits under the bed or in a number of hidey-holes he's found and only comes out at night. He is eating and using his tray but not when we're around. If I lift him up and put him on the sofa he sits and tolerates this with only a bit of tail lashing , but leaves as soon as possible. I am under strict instructions to comb him every day as his coat is a bit neglected and he tolerates this too, but with an air of great unhappiness.
I should point out he's not just ignoring us with an air of disdain...it's like he's too cowed to resist. He can cope with me, but he's terrified of my husband and teenage son, both of whom are experienced with cats and adore them. He freaks and just about overturns the furniture in an effort to get away and hide if one of them so much as coughs at the other end of the house. He can barely sit in the same room as my daughter. He ignores Oliver, which is a bit sad as Oliver finds him interesting and does his best to socialise. He is very withdrawn, poor cat.
Now I know he's been through a lot...a not very good home, the rescue centre for a week, strange cats, his brother going away, neutering, vaccinations, new home, new cat, US! But even my mother's feral adoptees were never withdrawn like this. Is it a perfectly normal reaction, or is he suffering from depression of some sort? What can I do to help? I'm trying not to bother him too much (except for the combing), talk to him a lot from a safe distance, have given him seperate food dishes and litter tray (though there has been no conflict whatsoever between him and Oliver) and left him to his hidey-holes. Is this going to last forever? Am I expecting too much of him after only six days? I have to admit, I'm disappointed. I got him as a companion cat for Oliver and it's just not happening...in fact the little lad is starting to get upset. Paws is freaked out totally by 3/4 of the people here. Is he suited to a family house, do you think? Will he settle down and start to socialise? I am beginning to wonder if he'd not be better going back to the cat rescue with the strong suggestion that he goes to a much quieter house, with no children and perhaps no men. How long do cats normally take to make an adjustment to a new home?
Suggestions? Advice? I'm more than willing to take a lot of time over this cat. I'm at home during the day so he'll be seeing a lot of me.