Author Topic: I'm worried Leo isnt happy  (Read 7851 times)


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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #35 on: September 19, 2008, 09:48:02 AM »
Oh dear.  Switch "separation anxiety" for "general paranoia"  :)


Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #34 on: September 19, 2008, 09:46:12 AM »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2008, 21:19:36 PM »
You forgot to mention about when they got so upset at being watched all the time that they moved the camera for you  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2008, 15:54:24 PM »
That is such a good idea.. why didnt I think of that?   :evillaugh: 1 Leo cam coming up!

It was really easy, I just bought a webcam and then signed up for a free website.  It was reasonably easy to set up (once I understood what i needed to do).  You could then log into the website and see a live feed of what they were up to which was usually Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  :tired:

As for Michelle  :slap:

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2008, 13:04:36 PM »

Absolutely! When I set up Lu/Riley cam (realtime webcam monitored via a website) the boys spent 98% of the day fast asleep on top of their climber.  The other 2% I have no idea what they were doing as the camera only covered the living room  :shify:

Sorry Helen but i pissed myself at that  :rofl:
Livecam for the cats ...... I am sure there is a market for a website there somewhere  :evillaugh:  (zoo's do it lol)

Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2008, 10:26:18 AM »
That is such a good idea.. why didnt I think of that?   :evillaugh: 1 Leo cam coming up!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2008, 17:01:22 PM »
Re "separation anxiety" - I am prepared to bet that 10 mins after you are out of the door, Leo is asleep.  He probably stays that way for much of the day, fitting in a mooch and a feed and a wee in between naps.  He then goes bonkers when you get back to convince you that he has been bereft without you.  He hasn't, he missed you and he's pleased you are back and he, like all the rest of them, is being a drama queen (king, whatever). 

Absolutely! When I set up Lu/Riley cam (realtime webcam monitored via a website) the boys spent 98% of the day fast asleep on top of their climber.  The other 2% I have no idea what they were doing as the camera only covered the living room  :shify:

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2008, 13:13:40 PM »
Actually when I come to think about it Dylan, who is about 9 and possibly the laziest cat in the world, has his daft 10 minutes too. Him and Hobbes can be heard crashing about upstairs then hurtling down the stairs again and running round the living room. I have to say Dylan starts the madness just as often as Hobbes does, the only difference is he stops sooner than Hobbes as he runs out of puff. I can vouch for them being asleep when I'm out as I occasionally get home much earlier than normal if I've been to a meeting and they are nowhere to be found downstairs as they are curled up on my bed asleep. However when I come home at my usual time they are waiting for me with plaintive looks as if to say you went and left us mummy.

Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2008, 11:52:47 AM »
Thanks again everyone!

The funny thing is as soon as I say 'Come on bed time' he will always follow me in, no quibble & get in his bed which is next to mine & go straight to sleep. He only wakes me up 10 Mins before my alarm goes off so he is really good during the night.

I read Cystitis is very common in indoor only cats too.

Cat catcher came yesterday which he LOVES even better than da bird..He even ignored his dinner when I got in as he wanted to play with it! (That is amazing as he is a little piggy!)

Feeling allot happier with all the responses. Thank you all so much  ;)


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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2008, 11:04:16 AM »

I agree about the attention seeking bit with the whining. He does it when I'm on the laptop, on the phone or genrally not focusse on him!

I don't know he does worry me but hopefully I'm just worrying too much & I should calm down!

I also thought that if the Cystitis was caused by separation anxiety then it would of probably returned by now - what do you think?

Thanks ever so for the in depth response.. I so appreciate you guys being here to put my mind at rest x   :hug:

Hi again, Lisa,

Just jumped in because Dot also can be a right pain when I am on the pc.  I work from home 2 days per week, so there's not much I can do about it.  She will, if an opportunity presents itself, lie on the keyboard and has comprehensively stuffed up several items or work.  I have mostly got around this by putting a large bean-filled footstool next to my chair. Dot now happily curls up next to me when I am working, like a good little assistant.  If you want to try this, try and get a fabric one and not one of the faux leather ones (more snuggleness, Dot tells me).  Wilkinsons had them at one point but I don't know if they still have.  Dot is, as I write, zonked out on the footstool next to me.  I also live in a flat and although it's a large 2 bed flat, it's still a flat.  If you look at the dimensions of some of those little houses, they are not a lot bigger and if you fence in their tiny gardens, there's not really that much extra space.  I would also like to move to a house but I don't think Dot cares - "has food, has litterbox, has Fat Hooman and other soft things - is home!"

Re "separation anxiety" - I am prepared to bet that 10 mins after you are out of the door, Leo is asleep.  He probably stays that way for much of the day, fitting in a mooch and a feed and a wee in between naps.  He then goes bonkers when you get back to convince you that he has been bereft without you.  He hasn't, he missed you and he's pleased you are back and he, like all the rest of them, is being a drama queen (king, whatever).  Cystitis seems to be awfully common among cats and I think you might be being a bit hard on yourself.


Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2008, 07:09:09 AM »
If you think Leo is bad, you should try Charlie for a week.  He is a hyperactive fiend, always up to mischief and charging around the place.  He woke me at 4.30 this morning bouncing round the bedroom and has not stopped until now, charging up and down the stairs, round the kitchen, on the kitchen cupboards, trying to grab my ankles.  Charlie wants to play!  Everyone has to pay attention.  He does get bored with Da Bird but I rotate it with Da Mouse and Da Sparkly and Da Furry so he gets some variety.  He has given up on the laser since he discovered I click it.  Leo is still only young, Charlie is coming up, we think, for 18 months and I am hoping for some semblance of respectability out of him when he hits 2 but I wont hold my breath.  I, too, sometimes think he hates me because of the way he behaves and he came as a culture shock after my 17 year old Dragan but I am learning every day.  Best of luck with Leo.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2008, 19:58:12 PM »
Leo is definitely not the only cat who is a nutter, lol  ;D  Mosi recommends peacock feathers from the Purrs shop - he's been having a right old time with one of them tonight.

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2008, 18:07:21 PM »
Heya Lisa, just to let you know Leo isn't 'weird' with the nutty 5 mins, Max has them regularly too, especially after he's had a poo  :shy:  :evillaugh:

He really does run around like a cat possessed, will attack passing shoelaces if you're wearing trainers, and if you go to play he'll have your hand if you're not quick!!!!!

OMG - my cat does this too. I call it the poo dance!  :rofl:  He goes crazy. Perhaps he's dead chuffed with himself to have released! lol

I don't know a cat that doesn't have a mad rant around the house. I have two moggies and they do their mental running around the house for a good 10 mins, twice a day.

Lynds xx

Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2008, 18:07:08 PM »
Sorry if there are lots of spelling errors.. ! I'm rubbish at spelling!

Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2008, 18:03:46 PM »
Yes, letting him outside would solve some of these problems but that isn't an option for you and comes with it's own set of problems anyway.  Since that's not an option and neither is a catproof garden or enclosure, you have to make the best of the situation you have.  Another cat would probably be good for him but if that's not an option financially then it will have to wait.  I'm sure Leo can be happy as an only cat but at his current stage in development he is needing loads of stimulation.  I'm sure you're spending loads of time playing with him so I apologise in advance for obvious suggestions - I just offer them up in case you haven't tried them.  Do you move stuff around to make the environment a bit more stimulating for him?  It's cardboard city in my flat but Mosi adores cardboard boxes and plays in and on them daily.  I move them around so that they are in different places and it's amazing how a cardboard box can be ignored one day but when you move it to a new location it becomes the most interesting thing in the world!  The same with scratching posts and cat trees.  Last xmas I moved a cat tree from the living room into the bedroom to make way for the xmas tree and it became used much more than it had done when in the living room.  So if you're not doing it already, move things around as much as you can. 

Does Leo love da bird?  If so, get as many similar kind of toys as you can find/make/afford.  I know that Mosi becomes very bored with toys if I bring them out day after day but if I bring out a new one that is very similar he will go mad for it.  So I have a large selection of those sort of toys to rotate.  He love da bird and the other attachements but cat charmer and cat dancer are also popular.  Does he like a laser?  That's another thing that Mosi will get bored of very quickly but if it's been absent for a few weeks and I then bring it out he goes mad for it.  I spend a lot of time trying to think up new games to play with the toys too.  Like getting a cardboard box and cuting holes in it, then bringing it into the middle of the floor and waving something about inside to get him jumping in and out.  Using a stick to toss a carrier bag around is popular game too (for some reason, Sainsburys bags are the most popular for this!)

It can be really hard keeping a young, active indoor cat happy.  I find that several short play sessions throughout the evening are better than one long session.  Mosi can just about keep himself occupied between those!  The whining is just attention seeking.  Mosi is actually walking around whining and throwing himself at the walls at the moment, bless him.  I've got in from work, greeted him and fed him.  I will play with him shortly before I cook my meal, but I am determined to ignore the whining as that will just encourage him to whine whenever he wants attention. 

I don't know how good these books are but I was looking on Amazon yesterday and came across them.  I do have the Keep your indoor cat sane and sound one which is quite good.  I do wonder whether some of the other ones might have some more ideas for entertaining indoor cats

Above all, try not to feel guilty.  I think for a lot of us who keep our cats indoors, guilt can be an issue.  I'm not dismissing the problems and potential problems that can result from under stimulation etc. but I do think that sometimes we read too much into their behaviour because we feel a bit guilty that we are not letting them go outside and do "catty" things.  Indoors or outdoors, cats do spend a lot of their time sleeping, and when they're sleeping (or happily playing) they are not thinking about what othe things they could be doing.  They don't have that thought process.  Leo is probably nowhere near as unhappy as you think he is.  He may be a bit frustrated at times as he's a young, lively lad and he's probably testing the boundaries a bit, just like a human toddler.  But that doesn't mean he's unhappy.  You're doing a great job with him.  Maybe you just need to find some new games.  I do sympathise as Mosi is a full of beans kind of cat too and it sometimes feels like an uphill battle coming up with new toys and games to keep him occupied. 

Leo is 16 Months old now & typically last night we had no little biting outbursts or crying!

I've felt great relief when I read everyones responses on how nutty their cats can be! All I can go by is my other cat who stayed at mums.. who was as lazy as they come!  It may also be due to the fact that he is a MC & obviously temprement will differ slightly.

He has a Da Bird.. Its funny does anyone else find that their cats get bored with 'you' playing with them? He actually lost interest in da bird but my friend got it out of my cupboard when he came over & he went mental again! (So whenever anyone visits I give hand them a toy to play with Leo!!)

I will have a look at those boks.. Thanks

I agree about the attention seeking bit with the whining. He does it when I'm on the laptop, on the phone or genrally not focusse on him!

I don't know he does worry me but hopefully I'm just worrying too much & I should calm down!

I also thought that if the Cystitis was caused by separation anxiety then it would of probably returned by now - what do you think?

Thanks ever so for the in depth response.. I so appreciate you guys being here to put my mind at rest x   :hug:

Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2008, 17:52:35 PM »
From the unhappy due to being indoors aspect... When the boys were indoor only I worried about them and wondered if they were unhappy despite all I provided for them in the way of attention, toys, climbers etc

I was lucky enough to be able to catproof the garden and while there's no denying they do enjoy going outside I really don't think they are happier for it.  Riley in particular still has crazy half hours the same as he did when he was indoor only, he demands my attention constantly even following me to the loo etc! This hasn't changed since he's been going outside so I really don't think that being allowed out would suddenly make Leo change or necessarily 'happier'.

It could be that you are transferring your anxiety onto him, you worry that he isn't happy and that you can't provide what he needs so you convince yourself that 'normal' cat behaviour is somehow a result of his being indoors and unhappy.  I think another cat would benefit him but I think you're being sensible in not adopting when things are tight.

 :hug: to you and Leo

Thats my dream.. to move out of this flat & into a little house so I can do exactly that. Has made me feel more at ease knowing they arnt nessecerilly happier for it too. I do worry ever so much & I think you may be right that he is actually picking up on it.

I'm going to make an attempt on being calmer about the whole thing. Maybe I am just reading too much into it & he is going through his terrible teen stage!

Thanks allot for the response x
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 18:06:17 PM by lisa77 »

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2008, 10:00:42 AM »
Thanks all for the helpful responses.. I will have a read through when I get home.. Thank you  ;)

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2008, 19:40:52 PM »
I have 2 cats and even tho' they keep each other company, they still have their "mad half hours" except that they're chasing each other :Crazy:  My boy Cosmo is also very needy and jealous for attention, he will scratch, whine etc, esp if he thinks his sister's getting anything he isn't :evillaugh:  They're just 2yo now and I think a lot of it is down to their age. 

We don't let Cosmo out unless it's nice and usually only at the weekend, so he's mainly indoors - I really notice that he's tired today after 2 nice days out - but during the week when we're at work he just has to deal with it!  We do lots of games, toys etc so I don't think you're doing anything wrong, it's just that he's being a typical, stroppy teenager and, in order to deal, it's a question of routine and discipline, which is tiring as he's pushing the boundaries but sounds like you're doing a great job ;D

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2008, 18:40:00 PM »
You sound really worried, Lisa  :hug:  That just means that your a good cat meowmy who wants the best for her furbabe.  But first of all how old is Leo now?  Sorry if you've mentioned it and I've missed it.  Given that MC's are slow maturing breeds, he is probably going through his "teenage" phase right now.  Many cats do get a bit crazy around that age and can be a bit obnoxious!  Mosi certainly did (he's still obnoxious if truth be told  ;D).  It's also true that most cats have the mad half hour when they run around like crazy.  They have to get exercise and let off steam somehow and if they're indoor cats they have no alternative than to race around their indoor homes like a furball on speed.  Mosi is doing that as I type.

Yes, letting him outside would solve some of these problems but that isn't an option for you and comes with it's own set of problems anyway.  Since that's not an option and neither is a catproof garden or enclosure, you have to make the best of the situation you have.  Another cat would probably be good for him but if that's not an option financially then it will have to wait.  I'm sure Leo can be happy as an only cat but at his current stage in development he is needing loads of stimulation.  I'm sure you're spending loads of time playing with him so I apologise in advance for obvious suggestions - I just offer them up in case you haven't tried them.  Do you move stuff around to make the environment a bit more stimulating for him?  It's cardboard city in my flat but Mosi adores cardboard boxes and plays in and on them daily.  I move them around so that they are in different places and it's amazing how a cardboard box can be ignored one day but when you move it to a new location it becomes the most interesting thing in the world!  The same with scratching posts and cat trees.  Last xmas I moved a cat tree from the living room into the bedroom to make way for the xmas tree and it became used much more than it had done when in the living room.  So if you're not doing it already, move things around as much as you can. 

Does Leo love da bird?  If so, get as many similar kind of toys as you can find/make/afford.  I know that Mosi becomes very bored with toys if I bring them out day after day but if I bring out a new one that is very similar he will go mad for it.  So I have a large selection of those sort of toys to rotate.  He love da bird and the other attachements but cat charmer and cat dancer are also popular.  Does he like a laser?  That's another thing that Mosi will get bored of very quickly but if it's been absent for a few weeks and I then bring it out he goes mad for it.  I spend a lot of time trying to think up new games to play with the toys too.  Like getting a cardboard box and cuting holes in it, then bringing it into the middle of the floor and waving something about inside to get him jumping in and out.  Using a stick to toss a carrier bag around is popular game too (for some reason, Sainsburys bags are the most popular for this!)

It can be really hard keeping a young, active indoor cat happy.  I find that several short play sessions throughout the evening are better than one long session.  Mosi can just about keep himself occupied between those!  The whining is just attention seeking.  Mosi is actually walking around whining and throwing himself at the walls at the moment, bless him.  I've got in from work, greeted him and fed him.  I will play with him shortly before I cook my meal, but I am determined to ignore the whining as that will just encourage him to whine whenever he wants attention. 

I don't know how good these books are but I was looking on Amazon yesterday and came across them.  I do have the Keep your indoor cat sane and sound one which is quite good.  I do wonder whether some of the other ones might have some more ideas for entertaining indoor cats

Above all, try not to feel guilty.  I think for a lot of us who keep our cats indoors, guilt can be an issue.  I'm not dismissing the problems and potential problems that can result from under stimulation etc. but I do think that sometimes we read too much into their behaviour because we feel a bit guilty that we are not letting them go outside and do "catty" things.  Indoors or outdoors, cats do spend a lot of their time sleeping, and when they're sleeping (or happily playing) they are not thinking about what othe things they could be doing.  They don't have that thought process.  Leo is probably nowhere near as unhappy as you think he is.  He may be a bit frustrated at times as he's a young, lively lad and he's probably testing the boundaries a bit, just like a human toddler.  But that doesn't mean he's unhappy.  You're doing a great job with him.  Maybe you just need to find some new games.  I do sympathise as Mosi is a full of beans kind of cat too and it sometimes feels like an uphill battle coming up with new toys and games to keep him occupied. 

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2008, 17:38:48 PM »
From the unhappy due to being indoors aspect... When the boys were indoor only I worried about them and wondered if they were unhappy despite all I provided for them in the way of attention, toys, climbers etc

I was lucky enough to be able to catproof the garden and while there's no denying they do enjoy going outside I really don't think they are happier for it.  Riley in particular still has crazy half hours the same as he did when he was indoor only, he demands my attention constantly even following me to the loo etc! This hasn't changed since he's been going outside so I really don't think that being allowed out would suddenly make Leo change or necessarily 'happier'.

It could be that you are transferring your anxiety onto him, you worry that he isn't happy and that you can't provide what he needs so you convince yourself that 'normal' cat behaviour is somehow a result of his being indoors and unhappy.  I think another cat would benefit him but I think you're being sensible in not adopting when things are tight.

 :hug: to you and Leo

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2008, 17:30:50 PM »
Leo is a wonderful looking cat and I would be worried if he went outside.

However the crazy half hour is quite normal for all cats, pedigree or not, so wouldnt worry about that. Even one of my birmans aged 15 will suddenly start rushing around sometimes  ;D

I can understand where you are coming from in terms of another cat and would seriously not go down that route while you cannot afford it. Stay sensible  ;D

Does he have a da bird? If not you can improvise by getting a garden cane and attaching some string and hanging another toy on it, say a small mouse.

Leo is a growing boy and will be for a few years yet  but as long as he is loved and played with, he should be fine. He will however pick up on your anxiety and stress and that will worry him cos you are his meowmy and his best mate who plays with him, so he will be very attached to you.

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2008, 17:27:27 PM »
I don't know much about MCs but Hobbes who is nearly 2 has mad 5 min bursts like this too - maybe it's a teenage thing. I swear it sounds like a herd of elephants running around up and down the stairs and don't get me started on the jumping on the top of the doors :rofl:. I hope you can get sorted and I'm sure the breeder Catbird mentioned will be able to give you some good advice.


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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2008, 14:07:12 PM »
Oh God, yeah, I forgot that - she hurtles around like a mad thing BEFORE she has a poo.  Thinking back, that last period of diarrhoea she had damn near exhausted her!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 14:24:53 PM by Catbird »

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2008, 13:59:58 PM »
Heya Lisa, just to let you know Leo isn't 'weird' with the nutty 5 mins, Max has them regularly too, especially after he's had a poo  :shy:  :evillaugh:

He really does run around like a cat possessed, will attack passing shoelaces if you're wearing trainers, and if you go to play he'll have your hand if you're not quick!!!!!

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Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2008, 13:51:12 PM »
So its not just Leo who runs around like a nutter? Its good to know. I think my friends & families reaction has made me think more of it as they are just astounded when he has his funny 5 mins. Before that I just thought Oh its just Leo..

Leo came from a breeder in Essex. He spent the time from being born to the time I brought him home in a bedroom with his siblings & his mum. Thinking back I never saw any toys or anything in the room..

I will still have the PM so I will have a look.. I hope she won't mind me contacting her?

I did think maybe I should just start to go out with him.. but as you say he would either get pinched or ran over not having any road experience.

Thanks so much everyone


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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2008, 13:26:48 PM »
PS  Dot "natters" constantly and occasionally sounds rather plaintive but MCs do this, they are very, very chattery cats.  Maybe Leo is just "maundering on" as Grandma Catbird would have said.  Or maybe, and this is frightening, he's going through his "teenage" stage in cat years  :Crazy:


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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2008, 13:22:56 PM »
Lisa, I'm really sorry to hear that you and Leo are having probs - you seem to love him so much.  As you know, Dot's an MC and she's very happy as an indoor but she does also get a "mad" attack at least twice per day - she runs around and around and up and down her trees but I've never thought of this as evidence that she is not happy.  I don't know who Leo's breeders are (from the look of him I bet I could have a good guess tho) but it is possible that he was not socialized properly as a wee bub.  Do you remember the name of the breeder that I passed on to you by PM a while back?  If not, PM me again and I will give you the name and number.  I'm sure she wouldn't mind talking to you and offering you some advice - she knows all about stroppy MCs (and sad ones too)!

I have had both indoor and outdoor cats over the years and I really think that the indoor/outdoor thing depends very much on the individual background and puurrrsonality of the cat, rather than the breed.  I would be worried that Leo would get nicked if he went outside, as he is such a striking cat.

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2008, 13:19:21 PM »
I would love to be in the position to get another cat. Truth is I just wouldn't be able to afford it. I have a mortgage alone, on less money than I was in my previous job & everything has gone through the roof as in bills ect ect. As it is.. I am living on cheap packet rice ..

As far as the harness goes he won't have any of it. Ive tried since he was little & he just rolls over & attacks me & the harness.

I feel like my options have ran out & it quite simply boils down to the fact he needs to be outdoors.

At the same time I can't re-home him.. It would be like half of me  missing.

I play with him at every given opportunity.. to the point of him panting like a dog! Always a good 20 min session before I go out in the Morning & then loads at night.

Even when I have holiday I will make a concious effort to be with him for the majority of the day & he will still walk around whining.

I just don't know what to do  :(

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2008, 13:08:26 PM »
He sounds a lot like my Charlie who is never satisfied with whatever I provide for him.  What I have found does help though is a very strenous game of Da Bird or Da Mouse first thing in the morning and the same at night.  It tires him out and stops his energy building up which just means he looks for trouble.  Best of luck.

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2008, 13:03:41 PM »
I think you are right, he may need more than your flat can provide for him and as you say, you've done all you can to keep him happy.  Its sad so many breeders persuade new onwers that pedigree cats should be kept indoors and that they will be happy kept indoors. Its probably true with many breeds, but I'd say large active breeds like Maine Coons need more. Its not your fault, as you say, you did a lot of reading, its the breeders who are at fault. Obviously he can't be outdoors with it being a flat, but I wonder if you could take him out on a harness if you have grounds around your flat? - but my worry with that approach is you might risk frustrating him even more once he's got a taste for being outdoors - difficult.

Cats are naturally active at dawn and dusk, so thats probably why he's doing his mad dash round the flat in the evenings and he's got to that adolescent stage too - maybe a friend for him would help, a moggy kitten as Michelle said, or a young cat. You'd need to do the intros really carefully over time though. Its worth thinking about some more.  :hug: Maybe the feline behaviorist can advise more on that.

Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2008, 12:13:58 PM »
I do worry allot & I just can't help it. If my pets arnt happy then I can't think of anything else.

I don't know of anyone with a cat close by who he could spend time with. I know of a tiny kitten in one of the flats downstairs but I don't know the young girl.. & I think Leo would kill it as he is so strong even when playing..

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2008, 12:10:24 PM »
Oh Lisa Hunny calm down

You say that money is tight but is there anyway you could get a friend for him ?
I remember you talking about this when Leo was little as you thought then he was mising feline company , It could just be a moggy kitten !

You seem to be doing all the right things with the feliways etc and its good that your sister pops in on him too

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2008, 11:44:33 AM »
Ive even thought maybe there is a ghost in my flat.. as he stares at absolutely nothing & then he will run around like a nutter.. I don't know..I'm clutching at straws & pulling my hair out worrying about him

Offline lisa77

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Re: I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2008, 11:31:50 AM »
I worry about him constantly.. :'(

Offline lisa77

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I'm worried Leo isnt happy
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2008, 11:27:19 AM »
Leo is getting increasingly agressive & whiny as time goes on.

I read for Months before I got him to check he would be OK as an only indoor cat. He has everything he needs from a cat tree to interactive toys, cat grass, I hide treats when I go to work for him to find, & do as much as possible to keep him occupied. My sister has been going back to my flat every lunchtime in the past few months since he had cystitis as I was really worried he got this through separation anxiety. I also since then, have bought the Feliway plug ins. Still when I get in.. feed him, play with him & I sit down for my dinner he will walk around the flat & whine at the top of his voice. Most evenings he will have mental fits where he will sprint around the flat.. up to the windows at 100mph like a nutter. He is also randomly attacking my shins when im walking around the flat, he gets an evil look in his eyes & it seems the more I tell him 'NO' the more vicious he gets.. lunging at my shins. He has also taken to scratching me in my face allot since he 1st did this when I was grooming him.

I just don't know what to do. I fear he is not happy & sometimes actually hates me  :(

I worry so much that he would enjoy life so much more if he had access to the outdoors. I just can't do anymore than I already have.

I have seriously considered another cat for company but money is tight at the mo so I don't think its sensible.

Can anyone advise me on how to know whats wrong with him?

Ive even been thinking of a cat Psycologist?

Thanks allot


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