One goes to cat shows and talks about “filling a void” (could this be Witty? ).
Oh you horror, Rosella!
Well I must say that from a household pet exhibitor's perspective, the amount of primping poor Mr Darcy had to go through to get him ready for the show bordered on the ridiculous. No wonder the poor boy was so hacked off... Persians are pretty laid back, but goodness was he cross.
Pearl on the other hand, just needs a quick powder and brush usually, in her case, less is more. The brush to get the loose hair out of her coat - overgrooming her removes her undercoat which is not beneficial to the way she looks - and a bit of powder to a) add a little bit of volume and b) to make her smell less like an outdoor adventurer and more like a pampurred princess.
The terrible thing is, I recognised several of the cats in the show...
If anyone was wondering who / what the curly longhaired ginger boy was, he's a Selkirk Rex called Jack and he owns a good friend of mine.
Eh, and well I don't take my cats to the pub, but I do take Pearl to McDonalds.
Well, it's an end-of-show-day treat for her - I buy a chicken burger and she gets the chicken and I get the bun and lettuce.
Still, I think that in terms of cat show exhibitors, I'm definitely one of the saner ones. Unfortunately non-cat peeps will see this and think that all of us exhibitors are like Darcy's mummy...