Author Topic: Help with violent/playful kitty needed please!  (Read 1561 times)

Offline Opheodrys

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Re: Help with violent/playful kitty needed please!
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2008, 01:51:23 AM »
Thanks guys, will be hard stopping him with his little sad meows but it's worth it if my sister's cat is happy ;D
Lol I do live with my sister, we both still live with our parents so there's no way to separate them permanantly without giving one away. Both the cats are so different, LBC is so playful, can't fuss him much without him having a little bat at your hand whereas my sister's cat is very lazy and never really plays at all!
Thanks again for the help guys ;D
1 Little Black Cat (LBC)

Offline Happy Moggy

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Re: Help with violent/playful kitty needed please!
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2008, 00:11:29 AM »
I would say your best bet is to immediately pick him up and give him a bit of time out on his own when the play gets too rough for you.  This is a very good point, already made by HunterHarleyMum.  It is not when the play gets too rough for your sister's cat, as this level will vary, creating confusion for all three of you.  You cannot afford inconsistent boundaries when trying to change behaviour.

Also, try to resist the plaintive mews and doleful eyes when taking him away from play.  Despite what will be his best efforts to make you think so, it is not a harsh punishment.

P.S. I think Gill wants to know if you LIVE with your sister.   ;D

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Help with violent/playful kitty needed please!
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2008, 23:25:54 PM »
I agree with what the others have said but am a bit confused as to why your sisters cat is with you , or do you live with your sister?

Are both cats neutered?

Editted the typos lol
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 00:45:42 AM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

Offline Opheodrys

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Re: Help with violent/playful kitty needed please!
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2008, 23:03:03 PM »
Thanks for the replies ;D
If someone tells him off he just gets grumpy with us see, rather than stop fighting with my sister's cat, so will certaintly give the above a try :)
Thanks alot from me and my sister's cat lol
1 Little Black Cat (LBC)

Offline HaneyHarperIndyMum (Val)

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Re: Help with violent/playful kitty needed please!
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2008, 18:57:46 PM »
Water squirt gun.  It worked for me when my two adult males would play to rough.  I kept two water pistols loaded, one in the computer room and another in the family room. 

Then whenever they would be playing to rough for MY liking I would give a little blast of water.  They would immediately stop and they had no idea where the water came from. lol

Soon they learned not to play so extremely rough.  Don't get me wrong, they still play rough but not so extreme that they are hurting the other now.

It does not do any good to yell at the cats when they are in that state of mind because it only causes the situation to escalate and you don't want that behavior to be associated back to you.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 19:00:24 PM by HunterHarleyMum »

Offline lilynmitz

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Re: Help with violent/playful kitty needed please!
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2008, 18:15:33 PM »
I'm afraid he's just being a typical alpha male and asserting his dominance.  There isn't much more you can do about it than you are already, although giving your sister's cat somewhere to retreat to might help.  I had this to a lesser extent with my two, and the "lower order" puss just went and visited neighbours when she got really fed up with my male (despite the fact that she was bigger and stronger than him!)  You could try separating them and shutting him in a room on his own when he does this - he might learn that this is the result of being a bully and think twice after a while.  I tried this with mine but crumbled every time he turned on the plaintive mewing routine on me outside the door!

Offline Opheodrys

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Help with violent/playful kitty needed please!
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 17:35:11 PM »
Hey people  ;D
Haven't posted in a long while, have been very busy.
I've got an adult male cat (neutered) who's around 2, he's still very playful and likes to play with my sisters cat, who's an adult female. He'll usually hide behind corners and pounce on her as she walks past, she really hates this and will back away growling and shouting at him. Sometimes he'll just leave her alone then, as it's just a bit of fun.
Other times he'll march towards her standing very tall, then back her into a corner. He'll hit/pounce on her or meow over and over into her face while she's cowering and growling. He's never seriously hurt her but afterwards she's very shook up and isn't her usual happy self, he'll do this upto 10 times per day!
To try and stop it, we'll usually chase him away or spray him with water but he'll go do it again or carry on attacking even with us doing that. He's really starting to become a pain and we can't put up with much more.
Anyone got any ideas of why he's doing this or how to stop him?
Thanks in advance, Abi :)
1 Little Black Cat (LBC)


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